Chapter 10.

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It was now Friday, and they were in the cafeteria after a morning of normal lessons. They were sat with Luca, Aoi, Kali and Hana, which was their usual group for when it was lunch time now. It helped that the second years matched up lunch times so that Kali wasn't left out, as she had admitted to preferring sitting with them than her other friends, who had sadly started distancing themselves slightly from her considering they had vast differences, as the female wasn't one for chatting about makeup and stuff like that or was even in the same course as them. All of them had just finished their food that was perfect as usual from Lunch Rush, filling stomachs that had been growling slightly with hunger. 

Izuku was beside Touya, while the other four sat opposite. It had fallen that way somehow, but they weren't fussed in changing it or whatever, as they all were comfortable with each other and had become very close, like best friends.
"So you said about wanting to talk to us today. What about exactly?" Kali queried.
"We did, yes. As you know, when we graduate, Touya and I want to open our own agency instead of being sidekicks." Izuku started before drinking some of her vanilla iced coffee.
"Sure do, but what has that got to do with us babes?"

"We want to ask if you would like to join us when we do? You'll be the one who runs and works on the support gear for everyone. I can't do it; due to the fact we'll be doing a lot of patrols, events and whatever else will be required of us to run said agency." She replied.
"Are you serious?" Kali gawked. Even the other three were in shock.
"Yes. We'd never joke or lie about something like this." Touya told her with a smile.
"Holy shit. Fuck yeah, count me in!" Kali grinned wide, before they high fived over the table.
"Great! We trust you entirely, and you were the first person we wanted to consider for that position. You'll be the boss of that area, and when it happens, we'll find others to work with and for you as we don't expect you to do everything considering we plan on having sidekicks and other heroes join in the future too, so that would be far too much work for you to do alone." Izuku jotted it down in a new notebook, on the first page. 

It was labelled Future Agency. It had been Touya's idea to start working on it now when they'd chatted the previous night, and she wasn't going to complain.
"What other sections are you going to or plan on having?" Aoi queried.
"Well, Luca would run the business side, dealing with contacts, getting jobs in and all that sort of stuff. We wanted to ask if you girls would like to join too?" Touya answered.
"Really? But I'm only in general studies." Hana remarked.
"That might be the case, but you have skills of your own. You're a people person, so maybe you could be on the reception/front of house area and oversee that sort of stuff." Izuku told her.
"Oh, I like that." Hana cheered, showing her bubbly personality.

"I'd love to join! What sort of thing would I do?" Aoi giggled, clearly eager.
"Maybe work alongside Luca? How are you with accounting?" Touya questioned.
"I can do that as easy as breathing, thanks to my dad. He's an accountant for a law firm in Tokyo and I've always watched and learned from him while growing up, as he said it would help me in learning about my own money management when I'm older and no longer live at home."
"How about we put you in charge of that section? I certainly won't have any worries about all of that then." Izuku chuckled.
"Have you already decided or thought on a name?" Luca put out there.

"We were thinking of calling it Hope Agency." Touya announced.
"I love it. That's perfect, as we do aim to spread hope. As we've said, dream big and aim for the stars! Please say we're not doing the usual tacky glass building styled agency either." Kali pleaded.
"Not a chance, as we don't like those either. Izu and I have thought it over numerous times and decided on this for now but can change it too. What do you four think? Angel has more information about the inside too. We're going to be a new generation; therefore we want to show that and start something entirely new." Touya slid a piece of A4 paper towards them. They peered at it and gawked in sheer awe. On it was the highly detailed drawing of their idea of what it will look like considering money wouldn't be an issue thanks to their dads saying that they'd pay for it as a congratulations for becoming pro heroes, which had made both give them a huge hug. Touya was man enough to admit he'd cried in both shock and happiness when Enji had told him that. Izuku had sobbed as well while thanking hers repeatedly with a tight hug. It was designed to look powerful yet welcoming too. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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