Chapter 5.

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@Night_light204  just for you darlin'❤️

It had been just over a month, making it the middle of May now since the duo had started at U.A and they'd settled in well, even making friends with the teachers who loved to teach them. Touya got on brilliantly with Aizawa and Present Mic. With Aizawa it was coffee, cats and different fighting techniques. With Mic it was with music and knowing different languages. Izuku had forged a great relationship with Aizawa, Power Loader and Midnight. Aizawa was the same reason as him. Power Loader was easy to guess as to why, whereas with Midnight it was a bond on historical architecture, fashion and the fact that she'd redesigned the pro heroes' outfit to better suit her quirk with some nifty gadgets to utilise it much better, instead of being how it'd used to be, but still in the range of a BDSM type and offered more protection too when fighting.

Aizawa now also used the baton she'd created for him too, as he'd given over some strands of hair and a swab from his mouth to finish it off, praising Izuku for how well it worked the first night he'd used it. He'd even added it as an official support item to his hero outfit, which had made Izuku blush, but Touya knew she was pleased that he liked it enough to do that. They'd even gotten talking to and befriending people from different courses, which the students had been a bit sceptical at first, but once they'd gotten chatting, the rest was history really. Both were currently sitting in homeroom, as Aizawa did something on his phone. Touya was on his phone, while Izuku was mumbling quietly as she wrote in her analysis book.

He smiled softly just staring at her from the corner of his eye. Despite it raining slightly, the sunlight coming through the window seemed to shine directly on her. Highlighting her features perfectly, and silhouetting her figure, making her appear like an ethereal angel. Damn, she was exquisite, like truly. Scratch that, she was a genuine angel, sent from the heavens. Holy fuck, he was well and truly in love with her, like more than he could truly fathom. He did know he'd be utterly lost without having Izuku in his life, that's for sure. Aizawa got up, drawing his attention and put his phone in his pocket.
"Ok, we're doing something a bit different today. Power Loader has requested your assistance in a task that is meant to last the entire day. I have no idea what for, just that he's asked for you both and Nezu gave the go-ahead. There will also be no lessons for the next two weeks, because you'll be training mostly." Aizawa stated, puzzling him a bit.

"What for exactly?" He questioned.
"The sports festival this time next month, but we wanted to give you two pure training due to being already ahead in schoolwork, so it's fine. You'll also get some tickets from Nezu later, which will let your family come along to watch you both compete." He replied.
"Thank you, Aizawa." Izuku smiled at him. Touya was a bit shocked. Was it really that time already? They'd gone to the USJ last week, in their new hero gear, learning from Thirteen in different rescue scenarios via the terrains provided within the building, which had honestly been amazing. The duo had soaked up the new information and skills like a sponge, surprising yet pleasing the rescue hero.
"No problem. You do realise that this will be a big responsibility for you both, considering you're the only two in the hero course, so you've got to show as to why you deserve to be here, right?"

"We understand and will take the challenge well." Touya exclaimed, smirking as Izuku snorted.
"Good. Now go see Power Loader and I'll probably see you both later." He shooed them from the room. They gathered their belongings and left with a wave.
"What do you think this could be for?" He asked, glancing at Izuku once they were in the corridor.
"Honestly, it could be anything. Not sure why he'd want us though, we're training to be heroes, not in support." She shrugged.
"Or it's the fact he knows that we can build gear? Well, more you than anything else, but that's because it's more your thing than mine."
"Could be babes. We'll have to see when we get there."
"Yeah, true." They fell into the usual comfortable silence and before long, got to their destination. He knocked on the door, and hearing a 'come in', opened the door and they went in.

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