Chapter 7.

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It had been exactly a month since they'd adopted the new additions to their family, and they'd settled in effortlessly, even putting on healthy weight now. All three kids got on fantastically with the Bakugou's and Todoroki's, with Asami taking a keen liking to Katsuki, calling him her big brother, which the blonde happily accepted (surprising his parents with how quickly that had transpired) and spoiled her rotten with hugs, playing games in the garden, or even patiently helping her learn to read and write, along with Naoki sometimes. He even got on brilliantly with Hitoshi, bonding over heroes, video games, cats and training, along with Shoto, Natsuo and Touya. Asami also loved being with Izuku, Fuyumi, Rei, Mitsuki and Inko, having lots of baking sessions or going out for a girl's day. Naoki was attached to her more than anyone else in wanting to learn as much as possible about support gear, and loved it when they made something, more so when Katsuki and Touya joined in too. He got a huge thrill when it worked which always made everyone smile at the excited boy.

Izuku was currently in her room, getting ready to leave for school after having breakfast and putting her usual eyeliner and mascara on. Checking the calendar, she saw that it was Hitoshi's birthday that weekend, and they were going to spend it out as a big group for dinner in the evening as that's what he wanted. Simple, yet meaningful. Gathering the last things needed, she left the room. Thankfully, their home was big enough now thanks to some extensions added rapidly, that the kids had their own bedrooms as before it had only been a four-bed house, which had quickly been transformed, making it truly their own. She didn't mind sharing with Asami, but most definitely preferred having her own space again. Hitoshi and Naoki had to share for a bit too as one of the bedrooms had been long since been converted into an office/library.

It helped that their father was stupidly rich, being All Might, not that the kids knew that though, plus he knew people with the ideal quirks to make it happen quicker. Izuku and her parents had agreed one night in a private conversation, once the kids had been tucked up in their beds, sound asleep, that they didn't want to tell them and just said that he worked in the hero business, and it was a highly guarded secret because of how dangerous it was. Not technically a lie, because if people found out that All Might had a family, they'd never be left alone from the annoying media. Or by endangering them in being possible hostages or killed by villains either. Even her mother wasn't low on cash, as she owned her own café that was steadily growing more popular by the day after opening two years ago when she finally left her stressful job as a receptionist/manager for a top clothing brand. Izuku done her bag up while going downstairs, before slinging it over her shoulder. Today was the third and final day of the sports festival, meaning it was the first years turn, but she had to wear her uniform for now.

Sure, it was weird having it on a Wednesday, but that meant healing/relaxing for the rest of the week as the festival was always chaotic. Going to the living room, her family were together, minus her dad who was at work already, but he'd sent a text wishing her luck, to have fun and that he loved her a lot.
"Izu-nii, good luck today!" The kids chimed together, giving her sunshine smiles while holding a huge hand-made banner saying – Izuku: Number 1 Big Sister + Our Hero. She smiled wide, swiftly took a photo to remember that by, and held her arms open. They dropped the banner and ran to her, giving her a tight hug with Naoki and Asami giggling.
"Thanks munchkins, I love it. See you later! I love you bunches." She gave them each a kiss on the forehead. It hadn't taken long for them to worm their way fully into her heart, as though they'd always been there. Not that she'd have it any other way of course. They're her siblings. Simple.
"Love you." The trio chimed with blinding smiles.

"Good luck today sweetheart." Inko said, pulling her into a hug herself.
"Thanks mum. I better get going so I'm not late. See you later."
"Bye!" The four waved as she left after she'd done her usual combat boots up. She'd given Inko the tickets to attend as guests, after Nezu had given her them once she'd informed him of the new additions to their family to make sure there was enough. It had taken her a good fifteen minutes of showing the teachers the photos of her new family before she'd managed to get back to her classroom the day after the adoption was done, not that she minded in showing them off. Izuku smiled happily as she put her small Bluetooth earphones in and headed to U.A, with rock music blasting blissfully into her eardrums. It was super sunny, and it was meant to get hotter later in the day too, so she wore sunglasses. No coat, and her blazer was folded neatly in her backpack.

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