First Week

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Monday, November 7th:

It was all a blur. In a few weeks, his whole life was completely fucked up. Being yanked out of school, forced to give an apology on TV while sitting with his family, and now touring around his brother's old school. All over a stupid fucking fight.

"I can't take three years here, Erik," Wille sighed, glancing around the tiny room like it was a prison cell.

Erik smirked, flicking a school brochure at him. "Do what the first years do and what the third years tell you. "

"You mean what August tells me. He's so annoying."

Erik scoffed. "He is family. You can trust him, he's like a brother."

Wille threw the brochure on the floor. "Who the hell can live like this for three fucking years?"

"It's not about you," Erik sighed. "Everything you do reflects back on our family. It's time to stop being so selfish. It's not that hard. You have to be able to keep up appearances-"

A knock on the door had them both glancing up. They both knew what that meant.

Erik slowly stood, stretching out his arms. Wille stepped into his embrace. He'd always loved Erik's hugs, feeling completely enveloped. Safe.

"We'll be seeing each other soon," Erik said, pulling back.

Wille half-jokingly whined and wrestled with him, trying to get him to stay longer.

But too soon, Prince Erik was back, his posture straight and proud. "The faster you adapt, the easier your life will be."

With that, he strode down the hall, trailed by his guard, without a goodbye.

Wille felt more alone than ever. Abandoned.


"Hi. Can I sit with you?" Wille paused by his second cousin, at the end of the long dining table.

"Sorry, but the first years sit down there," August said, tilting his head towards the far end of the room.

Wille repressed a sigh. "OK," he said, walking behind his chair.

But as he passed, August reached out, grabbing his arm. "You know, I think we can make an exception. The Crown Prince did ask me to watch over you, and I hardly do that if you sit so far away."

Before Wille could object, August stood and had the boys on one side of the table shifting to leave an empty chair open beside his. He hoped his face didn't appear too flushed with embarrassment, feeling everyone watching this.

It was exactly the special treatment he loathed. He would have much rather sat with the boys his age than be singled out. He just wanted to be treated like a normal student.

"Um, how do meals work here," he asked August, trying to feel less awkward.

August loved it, explaining all the traditions of the house. Third year boys sitting near them chipped in with their own comments.

"After dinner, we have workies, and after that there's free time-"

"Where most of us relax and play games in the common room, and August runs a full marathon," Vincent interjected with a smirk.

"Or does a thousand burpees," added Nils.

August just grinned back at them. "This is our year to have the best rowing team ever. Everyone should be training for at least an hour each day."

The meal went by fine, with Wille mostly quiet, getting used to the routines and trying to remember everyone's names. He was happy to escape to his room and crawl in his small single bed afterwards, exhausted.

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