Lobster, Caviar and Escargot

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Friday, January 20th:

"Any big weekend plans? Aside from practicing your Spanish?" Simon asked, as they sat down for the last class of the day.

Wille thought for a moment. "Just normal stuff," he started, and then groaned. "Oh, I'm going to the Ballet. It's a Court planned thing."

"Ooooo, fancy," Simon smirked, pulling out his notebook. "What night?"

"Saturday," Wille said, standing up as the teacher entered the room, along with the rest of the class.

When they sat back down, Simon leaned against him. "Want to come over to my place tonight?"

The class got busy, so Wille couldn't reply right away. But the question had him almost too distracted to follow along.

All week, he had been hanging out with Simon, getting along so well. They were together in classes, at lunch, and studying in the library until Simon took the bus home for the night.

What did Simon mean? Just for dinner? Just to play video games for a bit? Normal hanging out guy stuff?

As they packed up their bags when class ended, Wille leaned closer to Simon. "Just for some gaming?"

Simon stood up, slinging his backpack on his shoulder, and tugged his purple hoodie back in place. He shrugged. "If you want. But my friend Ayub often stays the night. I have an air mattress you could sleep on. It's pretty comfy."

Wille followed Simon out of the classroom, a bit flummoxed. A sleep over? He'd never done that before. Was that something 16 year old boys still did?

It would give them lots of time to just hang out. Play video games until it was really late and then just crash. Eat breakfast together, before going back to the school to prepare for the fancy night out with Felice.

These were people he barely even knew three months ago. Crazy to think they were his closest friends now, and he was going to spend hours with each of them this weekend.

"Um, your mom won't mind?" Wille finally got out, realizing he hadn't replied to Simon yet.

Simon scoffed. "She's the one who suggested it. 'That Wilhelm, he is such a nice boy. You should invite him over to dinner, mi amor.'"

His impression had Wille relaxing and laughing with him. "Do I need to bring anything?"

"Nah, we have blankets and everything," Simon pulled out his phone. "We can catch the bus in ten minutes."

Wille grimaced. "I'd love to ride on the bus, but my security-"

Simon patted his shoulder. "Oh yeah, of course."


Wille felt a wave of tension hit him as the car stopped. It was partially fear, but also excitement. He tried to act normal as they climbed out and he followed Simon.

The houses were white and boxy, with hedges and flower pots softening the edges with some foliage. Simon unlocked the front door, and waved Wille inside.

"You can put your shoes and coat there," Simon waved to the front closet, while he set down his backpack and unzipped his jacket.

Wille followed his actions. "Are you sure this is OK?"

Simon rolled his eyes at him. "Would you calm the fuck down? Look, my mom works for another hour. When she gets home, we'll make dinner and eat together. Then we can hang out in my room. You'll hardly see her."

"And Sara?"

"She's bonding with Felice and her girl gang, not coming home for weekends. It's getting so I hardly recognize her," Simon went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Coke or water?"

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