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Thursday, February 16th:

It was a bright afternoon, and Wille was glad to get away from the school.

As he came around some trees, he saw August coming out of the stable doorway. He stopped, staying in the shadows, as the third year strode past him. Why had he been in there?

Once he had passed, Wille continued on his way. The stables were mostly empty, except for Sara grooming Rousseau.

"Hey," Wille smiled, walking over to her. "How is it going?"

The last few weeks, he had been so caught up with Simon, he hadn't been down to the stables much.

"Wille!" Sara called out, with a huge smile. She set down her brush and ran over to him giving him an enthusiastic hug.

"Woah!" Wille staggered back a step or two under her friendly attack, hugging her just as hard. "What's all this for?"

Simon came into the stables then, giving them a funny look. Wille let Sara go immediately.

"You are just in time," Sara grinned at her brother. "I was just thanking Wille for helping keep Rousseau here."

Wille looked down to the floor. "Oh, I just made a couple calls. It was mostly Symsan."

"Felice said it was completely your idea," Sara replied in her matter of fact way.

Wille glanced quickly at Simon and gave a small shrug. "It's win-win. Rousseau gets to stay in your loving care, and I get to visit him whenever I want." He grabbed a couple treats, and fed them to the horse, stroking his soft muzzle. "But I'll get out of your way now."

Sara encouraged him to stay, but Wille said his goodbyes, walking quickly back to the school. It was hard to be around Simon still.

"Wait, can we talk for a minute?" Simon followed Wille out of the stables.

Sighing, Wille walked a few more steps before turning around to face Simon. Their fight a few days before still hurt so much. To go from such a great time on Sunday to nothing, the next day, had been crushing. "I think you said plenty on Monday."

Simon moved closer, a determined expression on his face. "Look, I'm so sorry for what I said. I was frustrated and took things out on you. It wasn't fair."

"I told my mom I wouldn't do the speech at the Jubilee unless you got your solo," Wille said softly.

"Woah, really?" Simon seemed shocked. "What did she say to that?"

Wille took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Apparently the Court plans to use August as a back-up, if Erik or I aren't conforming enough. He would give the speech."

"Oh fuck," Simon groaned. "That weasel must love that! Being a more important part of the Royal Family is his biggest wet dream."

"Exactly! And as mixed as my feelings are about my role as a Prince, I'd hate to see him in our place. It's so fucked up," Wille rubbed his hands over his face.

Simon took a step closer. "Look, I wasn't pressuring you to come out of the closet. Sorry if it came across that way. It's an incredibly personal thing and you have to be true to yourself. Know yourself. Feel it is right for you before you come out."

Wille nodded, feeling his eyes welling up. Not sure if he could speak.

"But I don't want to be anyone's secret. People will always find out anyways," Simon shrugged a shoulder.

Wille had to turn away, blinking hard, using his hands to wipe away a few tears that escaped. When he finally turned back, he could see Simon was upset too. "OK, I get it," Wille finally got out. He nodded, and stumbled back to the school.

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