The Spanish Inquisition

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Tuesday, January 24th:

"Ok, ok. That's enough math. I think you are good," Wille said, turning off his tablet and putting it inside his school bag.

Simon was pleased. "You explain things better than Mr. Englund."

They had just finished their second volunteering session, and it went a lot easier than the first one. No Court photographer, no formal introductions to the staff. Just acting like regular volunteers, going into a back room to take off their coats and stow away their school bags. They posed for goofy photos of each other in their blue bib aprons before heading off to the animals.

This session was a lot more fun. Since the weekend sleepover, they were closer than ever. They had chatted easily and joked around as they worked, often taking fun photos of each other.

Wille scoffed. "Nah, it's just because we are friends. I can tell when you aren't understanding something and try to explain the concepts in a different way."

"Such a good teacher," Simon turned to face Wille better in the back seat of the car. "Let's see if I'm a good teacher as well. Can you sing me the whole chorus by now? Do you remember it?"

Wille tugged at the blue and orange striped scarf wrapped around his neck, tucking it more securely in place. The heater was on, but the back of the car felt chilly. Temperatures had dipped over the weekend and there was even some snow dusting over the ground.

"Um, sure," he said, trying to get it right this time. "Despacito, Quiero respirar-" he started.

The car had hit an icy patch, and slid a bit to one side of the road. The driver swore softly, quickly correcting their trajectory.

Even though they were wearing their seat belts, Wille was knocked against Simon, who reacted fast, bracing a hand against the back of the front passenger seat.

It wasn't that bad, but Wille felt awful. He bent over at the waist, hugging his lower legs, and trying hard to breathe normally.

"Hey, hey," Simon whispered softly, leaning down towards Wille's face and rubbing a soothing hand over his back. "It's OK. Oh my god, are you shaking?"

Wille sat back up, his eyes closed, his breathing feeling constricted by the tightness in his chest. "Um.... sorry," he gasped, feeling so embarrassed.

"Fuck," Simon swore quietly, looking quite concerned. "Can I do anything to help you?"

"Ah... could you... um, just hold me?" Wille asked, turning his face towards the window.

Simon immediately undid his seat belt and wrapped his arms around Wille. They shifted, with Wille turning towards the door, so Simon could hug him better from behind, his head resting against Wille's shoulder. He rubbed his hands up and down Wille's upper arms.

It helped, the tension unwinding enough for Wille's breathing to calm down.

"I think you need some distraction," Simon murmured, his face so close to Wille's ear he could feel his warm breath. "Sing the chorus for me."

Wille let out a weak chuckle. "Me, singing to you. The choir's main soloist," he grumbled. But he softly sang the first couple lines.

"Bueno, bueno," Simon said softly, giving Wille an encouraging squeeze.

"That means 'good', right?" Wille said.

Simon nodded, which Wille could feel against his shoulder. "Si, muy bueno."

Wille got to the end of the chorus, and Simon got him singing it again and again, joining in occasionally. He was saying the words correctly, but needed to work on emphasis and pacing of the words to have it flow better.

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