Caught Between Yes and No

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Friday, January 27th:

"Wanna come over tonight?" Simon asked, after lunch.

They walked into their math class, sitting down at the back. Not many students were there yet.

"Tonight?" Wille repeated, pulling his notebook out of his bag. "I can't. Felice has been bugging me to come to another horror movie night."

"At the Manor House? Those are kind of fun," Simon replied. He had gone to a few with Sara last term.

Wille sighed. "I don't know if it's really my thing. We went to one when we just started dating, and it was so cheesy we had to leave."

"Oh," Simon opened his notebook and took out a pencil.

"I'm free on Saturday," Wille said.

Simon tilted his head slightly. "I'm doing something with Ayub and Rosh, but you could join us if you want."

The class started before Wille could ask for more information. Was it watching Rosh playing in a game?

Wille hadn't met Simon's friends, but had seen tons of pictures of them on his Instagram account, and their comments. Simon spoke about them so often he practically felt like he knew them already. It meant a lot that Simon was allowing him to hang out with them. But also a bit scary. Would they treat him funny because he was a Prince?

As soon as the class ended, Wille grabbed hold of Simon's arm to stop him from getting up. "You keep doing that. Inviting me over without giving me all the information. Leaving me pondering the possibilities for the whole class."

Simon chuckled, shaking off Wille's grasp and getting up. "What possibilities have you come up with?"

"Disposing of a body? A heist of some sort? Or maybe watching a football game?"

They walked out the room, heading towards the next one. "All wrong," Simon shook his head. "We're painting my living room as a surprise for my mom."

"I never would have guessed that."

Simon nudged him with his shoulder. "So, want to join us? I probably have some old clothes I can lend you, things you can get paint on."

It was certainly nothing Wille had ever done before. "Sure. Why not? I'm not experienced but I'm willing to give it a try."


Wilhelm Göran Björn Bernadotte! -F

Oh Shit. My full name. Am I in trouble? - W

Get over here, now! - F

Around dinner time, Felice had texted him that she had heard the horror movie had been changed to a dumb one. They decided to watch a movie together on Sunday instead, both feeling a bit tired. He couldn't imagine why she wanted to see him now, at 8pm. What couldn't wait until later?

Wille entered Felice's room with trepidation. Last time she had summoned him this way, he had found out some awful news about August. What would it be now?

"Come on in. Sara is off again, likely hanging around the stables," Felice waved him towards the desk chair pulled up near her bed.

"What did you find out?" Wille said, easing down. She had a package of salty licorice out, and he grabbed a piece. A childhood favourite he could never resist.

Felice grinned at him like the proverbial cat that had caught the canary. "I was down in the office, picking up my mail, and noticed my bank statement was there. And when I picked it up, there was a similar envelope in a cubbyhole near mine."

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