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Saturday, December 3rd:

It was a horrible weekend.

In some ways, it was like the previous one, travelling to the Palace, seeing Erik. But this time his parents and the senior Court staff were there.

Wille walked around the grounds, as Erik was in closed door meetings with all of them. He knew his turn was coming up.

Should he have kept his mouth shut? Avoided all this? Was he a horrible brother, ratting Erik out to his parents?

But every time he thought back to last weekend, he knew they had come close, so close, to dying. Erik, driving too fast, and then not reacting quickly enough. If Wille hadn't been there, pulling on the wheel, Erik would have definitely crashed into that other car. Going so fucking fast. They could have all died, and taken other people with them.

Had things like this happened before? Had Erik had other near misses, driving a car that was a bit too much for him? Driving after having a few drinks? How long until it happened again, if he didn't change his ways?

He had gotten drunk with Erik for the first time that weekend, with August too, and had been shocked at how much they poured down their throats. August even put out some bottle of drugs, and Wille was sure Erik had taken a few pills. He refused them, head already spinning from having a few drinks. Being accused of being a lightweight.

He had tried to adapt, tried to fit in. Follow Erik's example. It was fun, most of the time, being relaxed and joking around. Cranking the music and dancing wildly, making each other laugh with ridiculous dance moves. Letting loose, with family members you could trust, where it was safe. Hearing Erik and August reminiscing about their school days together, wild stories. Many about some secret club they belonged to, just for first born sons at the school. Erik had proudly displayed the key still on his key ring, joking with August that he might crash one of the club's poker nights. He had definitely seen another side of Erik and August that weekend.

But when Sunday came, and they were all groaning over their hangovers, Wille just felt disgusted by it all. How often was Erik doing this? Partying this hard with friends? Drinking on his own? Was this what all the rich guys did at school?

And when Erik offered to drive them back to the bus station, Wille quickly refused. Insisted that Erik needed to rest, that they'd be fine with Palace staff driving them there. The idea of getting into that Ferrari with his brother at the wheel brought back memories of what happened only a few days ago. Memories and feelings he'd numbed himself from all weekend with drinking. And he almost felt like he was going to vomit, his chest tight, his head pounding.

He knew he had to speak up, with that feeling. That complete visceral reaction. He couldn't let Erik get behind the wheel of that car again. Couldn't let him endanger himself or others. Had to stop him, had to betray his trust. But knew it was completely necessary.


When it was finally his turn for a meeting, Erik was gone. Wille was relieved to see it was just his parents, looking frazzled.

"What has happened?" Wille asked, knowing he would always be the last one told. An afterthought.

"Erik is going away for a few months abroad. A special program. We are getting rid of that car," the Queen told him, her posture straight, her gaze direct. Watching for his reactions closely.

"A few months!" Never had he thought it would be something so extreme.

Ludwig came and sat on the sofa next to Wille, and gave him a hug. He sank into it, and felt mortified when a sob came out. His father hugged him tighter, rubbing his back. "You did the right thing, telling us."

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