Is That All There Is?

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Saturday, February 11th:

Wille knocked on the doorframe. "Is everyone decent? Can I come in?"

It was a flurry of activity, with the music blaring and five girls rushing about to get ready.

"Wille!" Felice waved him in. "Come, keep me company while Maddie finishes my hair."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Wille took in the scene. He didn't have any sisters, so it was kind of fun to watch.

Maddie had divided Felice's hair into large sections, and was loosely braiding them and wrapping a black elastic over the ends.

Sara, Stella and Fredrika already had their dresses on, and were helping each other getting their wigs on properly.

"You all look incredible," Wille said, accepting the glittery pink flash that Stella passed to him, and taking a healthy swig. He'd already taken a couple shots of vodka while getting ready in his dorm, as Vincent had been walking around with a bottle. "I feel a bit boring in this."

He was dressed in an ice blue frock coat and breeches, a long grey waistcoat with a yellow floral design and a lacy white cravat tied around his neck. His wig was white hair with large side curls and a ponytail at the nape of his neck.

"Boring!" Felice chuckled, rolling her eyes. "You are wearing shiny fabrics and lace."

Wille shrugged. "It's dull compared to pink hair and pearls. I just want to shake things up a bit."

Maddie waved to a bag on the desk. "Feel free to dig around in there, and put on anything you want."

Grabbing the large cosmetic bag, he rooted around. He already had a thin coat of the white makeup on his face, and held up a black eyeliner pencil. Should he put some around his eyes, or add a beauty mark? He dug around a big deeper. "Ah! Perfect," Wille said, pulling out a package of small nail polish bottles in bright colours.


Thirty minutes later, Wille and Felice were following their friends down the steps towards the ball. Felice's hair was twirled into a tall, upswept style, with a large, sparkling barrette adorning one side of her head. Pearl drop earrings and a matching choker with a large onyx pendant went beautifully with her full length, voluminous black dress.

Wille looped his arm through her's, admiring the many shades of nail polish covering his short nails. He had deliberately picked the colours of the queer flag. A small rebellious act, like Felice refusing to wear a wig from the school and doing her own style.

As they walked through the crowd, admiring the outfits of their fellow students, Wille stiffened up. He spotted Simon, dressed in his school uniform, and Marcus standing near him, wearing a simple black suit and tie.

"Wille," Felice said, leaning in to be heard over the loud music. "Everything OK with Simon?"

He wobbled his head. "It has to be OK," he sighed, with a half smile.

It had been a long week, with Simon avoiding him as much as possible. Wille had done it as well, sitting far away with Felice or other students. Simon had clearly said what he wanted. It was time for Wille to move on.

He was a little buzzed from the alcohol he had already consumed, and it was enough to let him relax and throw himself into dancing with Felice and her friends. He had hung out with them since coming to the school, and considered them his friends as well.

The music, the flashing lights, the costumes... it all blended together and Wille found he could just let loose and relax into it. The DJ was playing great music.

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