St. Lucia

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Monday, December 5th:

Back at school, Wille tried to act normal. It felt like these were the last weeks until everything really changed. He would be doing a few public appearances over Christmas, with more regular ones starting in January.

He was still trying to figure out what was going on between August and Simon. There were many times Simon's phone binged, and he looked at August after reading the messages. Was Simon still threatening him, forcing him to pay him back?

Everything that had happened the last couple weeks had left him moody and irritated, still dealing with so many emotions. How many students were doing drugs? How much stuff was Simon smuggling into the school? How many of these students would be going to rehab in a few years? How many other lives were getting fucked up?

Wednesday, December 7th:

After rowing practice, Simon and Wille were the last ones out of the locker room. As he was about to leave, Wille saw a big envelope of cash in Simon's open backpack.

He grabbed it, pulling out the cash. There was at least ten thousand krona there. "Where the fuck did you get all this, Simon?"

"That's mine. Give it back!" Simon growled, pushing Wille against the wall, and reaching for the cash.

Wille did the infuriating thing his taller brother always did to him, holding it high, way out Simon's reach. "It's from selling drugs, isn't it?"

Simon couldn't meet his eyes, so Wille knew he hit on the truth. Simon kept pushing and shoving at him, trying to get the cash. "It's none of your fucking business. Give me that back."

"It's guys like you fucking everyone here up! Did you just come to this school to get richer customers? To be a better dealer?" Wille said, and immediately knew he had gone too far.

Simon gave a harsh scoff. "Are you fucking kidding me?" He elbowed Wille hard in the stomach and grabbed the money from him while he doubled over in pain.

"Stupid fucking dealer," Wille sneered, slowly straightening up. "You are so low."

"Fuck off, Your Highness," Simon hissed back at him, shoving him hard against the wall as he left.

Thursday, December 8th:

"Are you OK?" Sara asked, her eyes on his strained expression.

Wille straightened his posture, trying not to wince. "I think I pulled something at rowing practice. I'll be Ok in a couple days."

She dragged a large pail over and turned it upside down. "Here, sit on this as you watch your girlfriend."

Grabbing another pail, Wille set it beside the other. "Only if you join me."

Smiling, Sara sat down. "Come on!"

Chuckling, Wille eased down, leaning back against the wall of the arena. "You and Felice are pretty close, right?"

Sara nodded. "I haven't had that many friends, but she is one now."

"Then I feel comfortable telling you, just between us, Felice and I aren't a thing anymore."

"What?" Sara asked, leaning back in surprise and looking him over.

Wille chuckled. "It's mutual. She's the one who suggested it. We work better as friends."

"But you are always hugging and stuff!"

Shrugging a shoulder, Wille met her gaze. "I like hugging my friends."

She gave him a disbelieving look, and turned her head to watch the riders.

"Can I ask you about your family, Sara? Like why you came to this school?" Wille asked, careful on his wording.

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