Chapter 1

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Siara's POV 

Ughhhh, it's already late!!!! Why do i have to be such a late Latif. Goddddd!!! It's already 4, and my train is at 5. 

With this traffic, it's highly impossible for me to reach the station with in an hour. 

Ufff!!! Blame me!

“ Dadddy.....I'm running late.... I'll leave now bye.....” i screamed. 

My dad looked at me in awe. 

I'm screaming as if my dad is in second floor and I'm in ground floor. 

“ Take care Sia....just don't forget to call me when you reach there...." he said, and kissed me on my forehead. 

I nodded and kissed him back.

I heard another loud honking sound, indicating me to hurry up. And it's my cab driver.

I rushed towards my cab and hopped into the car and heaved a sigh of relief. 

“ Sir....can you drive a little faster....I'm running late...thanks please...." i made a pout, and the cab driver nodded. 

I sat back and took my phone out of my bag. There were plenty of messages from my best friend Vishh.... actually his name is Vishnu. I call him Vishh.

“ Sii....Did you leave...?" 

“ Don't be late!" 

“ Text me when you reach the station!" 

“ Don't talk to me if you miss the haldi!!!" 

There were plenty of messages from him! 

I laughed looking at the messages. 

“ Don't worry Vishh....I'll be there by 10, enjoy your day!" i texted him back and slided my phone inside my bag. 

So yeah, I'm heading to Goa. My best friend Vishnu is getting married to his love. That's the reason behind this hurry burry. 

Tomorrow is their haldi ceremony. And, I'm still in my place, which is 300 kms away from Goa. If i don't reach Goa by tonight, with no doubt he'll kill me. There's no worry, i can reach by tonight if i don't miss the train now. Or else, I'm done!

I, Vishnu and his fiancee Palak are classmates. We are childhood friends. Palak and we studied in the same school till 10th grade. 

Then Palak shifted to abroad. But before that, they were in love. I was the one who set up the class room for his proposal. My god!!! That was soo fun. All three of us were suspended for a week after our principal got to know about the proposal. 

Anyways, they are in relationship for 8 years now. Vishnu is working in his dad's company and palak is a certified dietician. She has her own start up. 

She came back to our place in 12th holidays. Vishnu was very happy. Afterall he was seeing her after 2 years. To be in a long distance relationship is such a challenging thing. There will be many ups and downs compared to normal relationship. 

I'm so happy they've overcome every hurdles and reached this stage. 

“ Ma'am....there is a road construction happening.....we cannot go more ahead, u turn is also not'll have to'll take maximum 10 minutes from here....!" i heard the cab driver saying. 

And, my eyes rolled 360 degree in annoyance. 

I took my bags and rushed out. 

I don't know what happened to my luck today! It's already 4:55 pm. 

I was running like i am in some marathon race. And guess what, i am a good runner. By the time, i saw my train, it just started moving. 

“ Uffff.... I finally got ya!!" I heaved a sigh of relief and started rushing towards the train. 

There are so many people in the station today. I can't run swiftly. 

“ ouch!!!" someone stomped on my feet. Ah it hurts. 

I turned to see that person and i couldn't guess who stomped on my feet. There are many people here. Forget it. I should get on the train. 

Why is it moving so fast! 

My god!!! I'll miss it! 

I started running again! I can reach it, if someone grabs my hand and pulls me inside. 

And this happens only in movies honey!!! 

“ Heyyy....!"  I waved my hand, to god knows who is it. 

I saw someone standing by the door, and thought i could get some help. 

And guess what!!!! He forwarded his hands to me and i was dancing in happiness. 

I touched the tip of his fingers and he didn't grasp my hand, i was annoyed. This man can't even grab my hand properly. 

He held the rail of the door and bended slightly more and this time i caught his hand and he grabbed my hand firmly and pulled me inside. 

My head hit his hard chest because of the force he inserted to pull me inside. 

“ hurts.....!" i massaged my head. 

My eyes fell on his chest, it's broad. Looks like he's a well built man. 

“ Attractive?" i heard a deep voice, and looked up to meet the owner of this silky voice. 

He was wearing sun glasses. He is really tall, with a face like that of heroes in the Hollywood movies. He was looking at me intently. His pink full lips were formed into a thin line. And, then i realised my hand is still on his chest clutching tightly.

“ Umm..sorry....!" I said and stepped back. 

He nodded. Rude! 

“ Anyways...Thanks...." i smiled and he nodded curtly. 

Such an arrogant idiot he is!!!

If not for lending me the help, i would've slapped him. 

Wait, Do i know him? 

He kinda looks familiar to me. I must've seen him somewhere! 

“ Have we met before? You look familiar?!" i asked, politely. 

His straight lips uplifted a bit, which was obviously a proud smirk. 

He's smirking at me!! 

All of a sudden, he leaned closer to me. His breath touched my neck, i clutched my dress tightly. 

“ You should use better pick up lines, it's outdated!!!! " he husked in his deep voice. 

I was stunned by his reply. 

Before i could react, he walked past me and disappearedrom my sight. 

Wait!!! Did he just call me a flirt?

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