Chapter 8

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Siara's POV

He confessed his feelings to me. All this while, i thought he didn't love me. But the truth is infront of my eyes now.

He loves me just like i love him.

Why did he wait so long to confess his feelings??? He's such an idiot!

“ Hey Siara....he's leaving!!" i looked towards the source of voice.

It was Vishnu. He rolled his eyes and that's when i realised Atharv is walking away from here.

Oh shoot! He must've mistaken my silence as rejection!!?

I've to clear up the misunderstanding.

I looked towards him, he's walking pretty fast.

Atharvv.....!" i called, but he didn't stop.

“ Atharv..... Atharv..... Atharv......." i shouted.

He didn't look at me.

“ Atharv, listen to me...!" i said, rushing behind him.

He didn't turn around.

So i did what i had to do.

“ If you don't stop now, I'll kiss him now....!" i said, which sounded more like a threat.

And guess what, he stopped and turned towards me, arching his brows.

“ clearly care about me....! Still you're walking away.....why are you like this Atharv....?" i asked.

He stood simply, no reactions.

“ Do you even know how much i love you, you idiot???" his face finally bloomed.

“ I've been waiting for this day since ages now......'s not like i am not acknowledging my love for you....i was afraid.... afraid that you won't love me....!" i said, my voice shook by the end.

He stayed still.

“ Everytime, every single time i tried to confess my love for you, you would show up with some girl......what should i do? Tell me Atharv....what can i do....?" i said, more like complaining.

He casted down his eyes for a second and then looked at me instantly.

“ Even today, you did the same thing Atharv....!" i said, and took another step.

I was standing infront of him now.

“ Listen to me carefully....," i paused, he nodded.

“ If there's someone i love, that someone has to be you....! I don't care about anything else, Atharv....i love you..... I love you so much.....i don't want to hide it anymore....i love you...." i said, tears rolled down my cheeks.

He was silent for a brief minute.

He then, pulled me into a warm hug. His hands circled around me, i held onto his neck.

How good this hug feels!

I started crying in his arms. It feels too good not to let my emotions speak. I've been waiting to tell him all these things for years now. Finally, i confessed it.

“ Shh....don't cry Sia...!" he spoke, his tone husky.

He pulled me out of the hug and looked around.

I don't care who's watching me now. I have him, that's all it matters.

He held my face in his palms and wiped my tears using his thumb finger.

“ It's the last thing i wanna see....! Don't cry Sia..." he spoke gently, i nodded.

I wiped my face and sniffed the tears back.

He watched me keenly and kneeled down infront of me.

I gasped in surprise when he kneeled down all of a sudden.

He took out something from his pocket and it's a blue velvet box.

I gasped audibly as he opened the velvet box, there sat a big diamond ring. It's very big.

He took the ring out from the box, and locked his grey one's with mine,

“ Sia..... Will you marry me..?" he asked, his eyes shining with love and admiration. 

He sounded determined, there wasn't any doubts in his tone.

Ughhh, i don't wanna cry. But these tears aren't stopping at all.

I nodded my head.

“ Yes....Very much yes..!" i said and forwarded my hand.

He slided the ring into my ring finger and stood up.

He pulled me into his warm embrace and i hugged him tightly. He kissed on my forehead and we pulled back from the hug.

Our eyes never left each other's, we were so indulged in savouring this moment.

Who thought, my wildest dreams would come true one day!!!

“ Ahem.... someone stole my spotlight....!" it's Vishnu.

We both looked at him, he was grinning at us.

“ Sia.... You didn't ask my permission to marry him!" it was my dad.

I widened my eyes and turned towards the source of voice. My dad is standing right besides Palak.

Dad...i mumbled under my breath.

He said, he's busy and cannot attend the wedding. How come he's here???

“ Daad....! You...i thought you were at native...!" my tone complaining.

“'s me..i asked him to come...!" Atharv said, massaging his temples.

I squinted my eyes at him.

“ We should talk Atharv....!" i said, arching my brows at him.

He planned everything. He's such an idiot!!!!

Anyways, I'm gald.....

All these years  of wait was worth it!

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