Chapter 6

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Atharv's POV

I don't know what to tell now. After dancing with me for so long, she left me and rushed towards her room.

I wanted to follow her, but i didn't. Her face looked red when everyone hooted and cheered me to kiss her. I knew, she was embarassed.

I am not sure of anything now. I mean, I'm sure, very sure about my love for her but she's treating me indifferently. That's bothering me.

I don't know how if she's doing it purposefully or whatever, it still hurts.

It hurts to even think that she doesn't love me.

But this thing cannot stop me from confessing my love for her, Tomorrow is the day. I've planned it and I'll execute it accordingly.


I took the velvet box and slided it inside my pocket. Today, I'm wearing a lime green kurta and white pants. It's his wedding after all.

To me it's more than his wedding. It is the day, I'll confess my feelings for her.

I made my way towards the mandap, my eyes roamed around to find one woman in particular.

I know for a fact that she's wearing peach colored dress. Vishnu informed me. I scanned everywhere and couldn't find her.

As i continued my search for her, i unknowingly dashed into someone.

It's not someone, but someone i know.

“ Long time no see Sharma....!" she said, grinning her teeths.

“ Yeah..!" i replied.

Aria is my university mate. I didn't expect her to attend the wedding. Well, it's because she lives in Australia now.

“ You are smoking hot...!" she hugged me, and kissed on my cheeks.

I pulled her from the hug and there she is. Siara is standing infront of me, squinting her eyes.

“ Siara... listen to me..!" i said, and she shook her head slowly and walked away.

I messed it up. Didn't i?

I pushed Aria aside and ran behind her. But she was nowhere to be found.

Why the hell is she running away from me!!!

She must be near mandap, it's time for muhurtam.

I walked back towards the mandap and there she was.

The priest was chanting the vows, Vishnu and Palak exchanged the garlands. I made my way towards her and stood besides her.

She didn't look at me.

“ It's not like that Sia....!” i said and she threw me a death glare. Her eyes held water in them. She's trying hard not to cry!

“ DON'T CALL ME SIA.... IT'S SIARA....FOR YOU!" she stressed each words, she was angry.

My god, women and their mood swings! It's so hard to understand them.

“ Fine.... listen to me...!” i said, trying to convince her.

“ There's nothing to talk....!" she said and walked aside.

I sighed in annoyance.

Why is she so pissed off.

Fine, i won't follow her now. I don't wanna spoil her already spoilt mood. Let her enjoy the wedding. I'll talk to her after the wedding is over. Anyways it'll take maximum 10 or 20 minutes more.

I continued looking at her, she was looking at Vishnu and Palak. The priest asked him to tie the knot. As he took the Mangalsutra and tied around her neck, petals of roses showered on them.

After tying three knots, they proceeded with nuptial ceremony. I was waiting badly for the ceremony to end.

It feels like an eternity now. Finally after what felt like a years, every ceremony ended. It's time for the photo session.

I saw her going towards Vishnu, so i followed behind her.

“ Siara.....! Siaara...!" i heard someone calling her.

She turned around and purposefully ignored my presence right besides her.

Then it happened.

She looked straight and smiled at someone, who was already smiling at her.

She ignores me and smiles at some random dude!

“ You are looking gorgeous...." he said, rolling his eyes.

“ Thanks Raaj!" she replied, with a smile.

I swear, I'll beat the shit out of him if he says anything else.

“ Ma'am.....can you reconsider my proposal!!!" he said, making weird faces.

She looked at me, i was burning with rage.

“ I guess i will...." She said, rubbing salt on my wounded heart.

Then they left. I stood there, watching her disappearing back slowly.

Is this how it's gonna end? Me not confessing my feelings to her!!!

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