Chapter 4

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Author's POV

Atharv finally asked her, she looked at him strangely.

“ We are talking already....!" Siara replied, and continued eating her icecream.

Throughout the day, Atharv was following her. During haldi, he was right beside her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. She was looking elegant in yellow lehenga. He was mesmerized by her flawless beauty.

Although she was pissed off at him, he enjoyed her anger too.

He wanted to tell so many things to her. But she seemed to ignore every signals he was passing.

Or was she purposefully acting ignorant?

“ You are looking beautiful Sia...." he said, his voice soft yet silky.

She blushed instantly.

“ What do you wanna talk....?" she sounded arrogant.

He looked at her arching his brows and stood up from the chair. Holding her wrists, he started dragging her. Everyone were indulged in their own business, so nobody noticed them.

Siara struggled in his hold. But he didn't stop. She realised he was dragging her towards her room.

“ Leave me... Atharv....let me go....!" she wiggled, but to no avail.

He walked inside and left her wrist.

She ran her fingers on her wrists and threw him an angry glare.

“ I'm sorry Sia...." he said, his tone sincere.

She was flabbergasted. Atharv is apologising to her!

“ I....i was so angry at that time....i shouldn't have reacted like that.....and....i...." he paused, looking at her in hesitation.

She heaved a sigh of annoyance.

“ I....i shouldn't have kissed you that day...i swear...i was drunk...!!” he said, and looked down.

Siara couldn't believe her eyes. Although he has texted her sorry the very next day itself, him apologizing personally was something else. It's once in a blue moon kinda thing. Rare!

“ Stop making excuses Atharv...." she looked aside.

He held her hands in his, despite her struggles and squeezed it gently.

“ I'm not making excuses is what it is.... I'm sorry." he sounded convincing.

She pulled her hands back and looked at him.

“ Fine.... You are forgiven. Leave now" she said, looking at the clock.

He smiled, it wasn't a normal smile but a naughty one.

“ Scared of committing a sin. Huh?" he asked, his tone husky.

She widened her eyes as realisation hit her. Her face turned red. She felt embarassed.

“ Even if we sleep in the same bed, i won't have dirty thoughts about you and you know that!" she said, trying to be sarcastic.

He smirked evilly.

“ That doesn't sound like a truth. Does it?" he was sarcastic.

She arched her brows at him and he nodded.

He left the room.

She laid down on the bed and thought about what happened just now.

Atharv apologised to her. She wasn't sure why, but she felt happy. Really happy.

She knew he wasn't the type to say sorry to anyone. But if he's apologising to someone, then that someone must be special to him.

Ofcourse she's special to him.

She remembered that day, he looked extremely angry. She agreed to dance with that random dude to make him jealous, she never thought it would end up like this. After she rushed out of the place, he followed her behind.

He pinned Siara against his car and kissed her for the first time. That was her first kiss. Their first kiss. Despite her struggles, he kissed her forcefully. That's why she ignored him.

Only Atharv and Siara knows about it.

Atharv used to hang out with other girls to make Siara jealous and vice versa. Siara would stop talking to him, while Atharv would beat the shit out of anyone who approached Siara.

Knowingly or unknowingly, Atharv had made a special space in her heart. She knew it, but she was adamant on accepting it.

She wasn't sure about her love. But she knew he had special place in her heart. Or else, it wouldn't have hurted so much when he called her names.

Everytime she thought he was a good boy, he would show up with some random girl and talked crazy things.

Poor girl, didn't know it was all a lie, he made up to realise her love for him.

He eventually thought Siara didn't love him. After sometime, she stopped reacting whenever he was with any girls of their school. It made him think so.

She stopped reacting, because she was fed up.

“ Why are we like this..!!!! Why can't we be like Vish and Palak...,!" she groaned, running her fingers on her lips and closed her eyes.

Atharv's grey eyes watching her intensely as he leaned closer to her, grabbing her hands and kissing her passionately appeared in her mind. She immediately opened her eyes.

“ Go away Atharv, i wanna sleep....!" she mumbled and waved her hand.

She closed her eyes shut and tried to get some sleep.

On the other hand, sleep was nowhere near to Atharv. He tossed around the bed, but nothing helped him.

“ I should have told her!" he mumbled, shaking his head.

He wanted to tell her something else, but he apologized first.

“ I'll definitely do it tomorrow...!" he said, in determination.

I knew you would forgive me.....he said, with a small smile playing on his lips.

Why do you act like you hate me, when infact you love me Sia.....? he said, looking at his mobile screen. It was Siara's picture. He closed his eyes after placing the mobile besides his pillow.

Her beautiful smile roamed in his mind. 

Atharv is hesitating to confess his feelings for her! He's hesitating because of the bond they share. They always argue about everything. Literally everything.

He is scared about her reaction.

What if she says no???

He cannot take that!

He's loving her since forever now. It would be such a shame if she rejects his love.

But Siara isn't ready to acknowledge the fact that she loves him!

In their game of LOVE and EGO, hope Love wins!!!.

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