Chapter 3

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5:15 A.M.

Rose P.O.V

Uncle Tom told the nurse to help me to my room while he was talking with Peter outside. After a few minutes, Peter entered the room with the same worrying poker face. He sat on the chair on the other side of the room away from me. I don't know what to do or what to say to assure him that everything is okay even though I was terrified myself.

"Peter, I know what you are thinking but I don't know how to make you feel better or how to assure myself that your expressionless face or your eyes that have fire in them are not directed towards me. It hurts like hell. It is as if you are blaming me for having our baby inside of me."

By the end of my speech, I felt tears on my cheeks. As much as I don't want him to see me like that I can not endure that anymore.
I can blame it on my hormones and pain later but right now I need to release all my bottled-up emotions.
After a few moments, I felt his hands on my cheek wiping my tears off, and when I opened my eyes I found him in front of me and on his knees with a very tender expression.

I tried to avoid his intense gaze but he wasn't having any of it. He held my chin between his thumb and index and forced me to look at him. I catch a glimpse of guilt in his eyes. I opened and closed my mouth multiple times to say something, anything but nothing came out.

He put his finger on my lips then he started talking.
"I know that I am an asshole to you right now and I let my fear get the best of me.
I am just as selfish as hell as I only saw my pain and forgot about yours. I am sorry for that. Sometimes all that I think about is what would happen if we aborted the baby when we- oh no I am sorry that's not what I meant. Don't cry, please. It is not like I hate the baby I swear. I would kill for you and our boy if I had to. It is just the thought that the baby can be a reason to hurt you. I just can't bear it. I am sorry I need a filter on my mouth right now. I just love you so much. But if I had a choice of never having children of my own or living without you, I would choose the first one.
I am sorry Rose. Don't leave us, please."

He started to cry and kissed the back of my hand and I felt the wetness of his tears on it. Then he came and sit by my side and kissed my cheeks and hugged me so tight.

"Okay, love birds let's see what we have here." Uncle Tom said amused. I was embarrassed and that jerk of a husband I have just smirked at me.

"Sorry, Uncle but you know how much I love her."
Then he leaned in with a smirk that I wished that I was strong enough to wipe off, to talk beside my ear and give me one of his sassy comments but I gave him the best glare that I could master because I want to get this over with and go home and I don't want to talk at all right now and he just chuckled as if nothing has happened.

That man! I really don't know how I have fell in love with him. Wasn't he emotional about a few seconds ago? Now he acts as if he is the most-known bad boy in the high school.

I was in bed while being examined by my Uncle.

"Don't worry children it will be alright. Now let's see. Uh-uh okay, it is all good. When I tell you to push you just do that sweet pie okay?"

"Okay, did you call the others?" I asked no one in particular.

"Yes, they are on their way. Don't worry all I want you to focus on is delivering this baby and staying awake with me do you understand?" Okay, Uncle Tom has turned on his 'doctor mode' now. He can be a little bit scary yet I nodded with my eyes closed tightly because it hurts as if someone is stabbing me all over my body.

If a look could kill I would be 6 feet under right now. "Words Rose." Uncle Tom ordered.

"Yes, I do understand," I said with so much difficulty.

"Now push baby girl" Uncle Tom instructed and I did as I was told.

Peter was holding my hand through it all whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I was trying to hold my screams but I was in so much pain.

"AaaHhhhh, it hurts make it stop get him out already," I screamed in pain.

The look of terror on Peter's makes me want to try to reassure him keyword try.

"I can see the head sweety and you know what that means you are almost done. I want you to give me a strong last push super mama." Uncle Tom encouraged me but I was really tired.

"Please, baby I know it hurts but I want you to do one more push for our boy," Peter said.

After one last push from me, I heard a baby crying. This is my baby, he is here. Thank God.

"Look at our little hero here." Uncle Tom handed over our boy to us.

"You are my strong diamond. Thanks for giving me this baby and thank God a lot. I love you, babe." Peter said with tears in his eyes and our boy in his arms.

"He is so beautiful," I said in a weak voice I tried to stay awake but it was very hard. I can hear voices but I don't know who they belong to.

"Stay with me." That's the last thing I heard before I let the darkness consume me.

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