Chapter 2

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5:00 A.M.

Rose P.O.V

Peter is scared. I never thought that one day I would see him in this state. Even if he is not showing his real emotions, his eyes show it all. He wasn't even steady enough to drive. So, I told him to ask Mr. George -our driver- to take us to the hospital. Both of us are in the backseat holding each other's hands.

He doesn't talk. He is scared to say something reckless. He put on his poker face and he does that on two occasions;
One, if he is at work or with people he doesn't like.
Two, when he is worried or scared and doesn't want to show it.

"My knight I am fine. We are going to meet our baby boy in a matter of hours. Don't look as if you are going to explode. Share your thoughts with me, please."

He looked at me with that look.

The look that holds anger, distress, betrayal, and so much sadness. Yet there is something else which is the coldness that I once saw when we first met. I know what he is feeling right now. The fear of losing someone whom you love. I know this feeling so well.

"You won't like it and I don't know what to say. Yet I know that you are a fighter and you won't lose. You are my diamond after all."
He said that with a weak smile and his eyes were glassy as he was on the verge of crying. I know that he is scared and I hate seeing him like that.

"We talked about that before my love. I am not leaving you or our baby anytime soon.
God has already given me a new chance to live and I appreciate this gift. So, I am not going to lose without a good fight. I love you so much, my Peter."

"I know. I love you too, my Rose" I hugged him with everything in me. He was startled at first but he hugged me back and started caressing my belly. As if he knows that the contractions are getting worse.

"We are here, Mr. Carton." Mr. George informed us the moment we reached the hospital.

Peter opened his door and then came to my side and opened mine. We entered the hospital. Luckily for us, Peter called Uncle Thomas on our way here.

We found him at the reception desk.
"I am sorry for calling you at such an hour, Dr. Smith." Peter was the first one to speak.

"It is okay, Peter, and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Uncle Tom?"
My uncle scolded Peter.

"Baby boo, how is it going? Don't worry everything will be alright. We will take you to your room to get you ready."
I love that my uncle is much calmer than Peter because if he were not, I wouldn't know what to do.

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