Chapter 9

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California, USA.
5:50 P.M.

Rose's / Evangeline's P.O.V

Dad almost fell from the chair when he heard Adam's almost inaudible words. While Mum pushed Adam and Gin out of the way and took me from Tommy and hugged me as if her life depended on it and cried.

"I am sorry, guys. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I whispered in my Mum's ears.

"It is okay. Even though you scared us to death we are so relieved that you are okay and in our arms." Mum said.

"Yeah, sweet girl. You are fine now and that is what matters the most but we will talk later." Dad said making me gulp.

"Excuse me, Mr. Archer. Congratulations on your daughter's return home safely. I just want to make sure that she wasn't harmed in any way. So, can we have a little chat with her?" The police officer asked.

"Mr. and Mrs. Archer. I am sorry for scaring you like that but can I explain everything?" Gin said.

"Sure, sir. Get inside, please. I apologise." Mum said making room for the trio to enter and she closed the door. All this happened with me still in my Mum's arms.

"I am Gin Smith and these two are my siblings Isabella and Thomas." Gin introduced himself.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you Gin Smith? Like Gin Smith the owner and the CEO of 'R & M' the most well-known pharmaceutical company in the USA." The officer asked.

"Yes, that's me," Gin said.

"I met Eve this morning at the graveyard. I talked with her. Then I took her to my house with my siblings. We had breakfast together and spent time together and even though she told me to get her back by noon we had a small nap that's why I was late in returning her. I am so sorry for that." Gin said.

"Mr. Officer, Gin isn't lying. None of them hurt me. I was just having fun with them. Dad, I swear I haven't had such a lovely time in a long time. I am the one who should apologise not Gin. I am sorry for making you worry." I said looking between the officer and Dad. Then I hid my face in Mum's chest.

Mum rubbed my back slowly to assure me. She whispered that everything would be okay. Dad showed the officer to the door and returned.

My parents and the trio talked with each other a lot. I didn't pay attention to most of it. As I was very worried and that consumed my energy but Gin's voice made me wide awake.

"We have to go now. What I just ask from you is to allow me to visit from now on." Gin asked my Dad.

"It is a sure thing, Mr. Smith," Dad asked.

"Please, call me Gin," Gin said with a smile.

After they bid their farewell and before going out. Gin turned around looking at me. I smiled at him and Mum put me down.

He kneeled to reach my level. I found in his hand a very beautiful porcelain doll. It has a floral dress on with a matching hat. It looks as if it were a real child.

"This was Rachelle's. She loved it and cherished it so much. She called it Emma. This is what is left of my child and I want to take your advice into account. I want to make her memories live and everything she has ever loved to live again. So, can you take care of Emma for Rachelle's sake? "

Gin said looking at me as if I were the second chance that he has been praying for, for a long time.

I hugged him tightly and patted his back.

"Of course, Gin. I will take care of her." I whispered in his ears.

"Hi, Emma. I am Eve and this is our home and I will take good care of you." I said to Emma while holding her.

"See you soon, baby boo." Tommy said patting my head and kissing it.

"Cutie bye-bye." Bella said hugging me.
"Come on, Gin." Bella told Gin.

"Yeah, I am coming. See you, little one."
Gin said while hugging me.

They left together and we watched them till their car disappeared.

"It has been a very tiring day, we have to get some rest but we will talk a lot tomorrow. Am I clear? " Dad said while giving me a look that made me believe that this discussion would take a turn that I didn't like.

Let's see what will happen, tomorrow but I am very tired right now.

Let's get some sleep.

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