Chapter 5

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10:00 A.M.

Peter's P.O.V

I sucked it up as Tom suggested. I just got out of the restroom to find Edgar, Gin, and Bella in the waiting room. Ahh, can this day be any worse? I am sure that all that Gin wants to do right now is to give me another bruise or maybe something worse, not because he hates me but because he wants to protect his baby and at this moment I am the source of danger.

But I do not care at the time what he or any other one of them wants to do to me. I just want her to wake up.

Don't get me wrong. We are on good terms but they are just scared for their child. You should have seen my first encounter with them, especially Edgar. It was a disaster at first but now we can be in the same room without trying to snap each other's necks.

Trust me that's a great progression in our relationship compared to what it was before.

I just sat on a nearby chair with my head in my hands. I can hear Lizzy trying to calm Mrs. Archer down and I can feel someone's eyes on me but I am not in a state to care about such a thing. I felt some movement beside me. Yet I didn't lift my head.

"I know what you are feeling right now. I won't tell you what everyone is telling you that 'she will wake up' or something like that because that's a fact." Edgar said gritting his teeth as if he was trying to convince himself more than me.

I scoffed "Tell me something I don't know."
Trying to act as if everything is fine just to reassure him.

When we first met I thought that he was her boyfriend, I never expected him to be her uncle. When I look back at this misunderstanding I find it amusing and he enjoyed getting on my nerves at that time.

"I know that you feel like you are suffocating but it will be worth it. Consider it paying a debt off. I don't know how your relationship was or what you did to her before but I always knew that there was something wrong. As I always saw the disappointment in her eyes. So, I started to hate you less when her eyes lightened up. As if you can see the stars in her eyes."

I never expected him to say such a thing. I can't imagine what she felt at that time. As she was not able to express her emotions and she wouldn't talk about what bothered her. Unlike now she can do that but not as much as what I hoped for.

"I was a dickhead. I get it and I regret every single thing I have done to her before.
But I promised you and the others that I will never hurt her again and I am a man of my word." I told him looking him in the eye.

"I know. Because if I don't, you won't be here talking to me right now." He smirked.

"Is the boy good?" He asked.

"Yes, he is fine. I named him Scott by the way. Do you think she will like it?"

"Scott. She will love it. Not because you chose the name but because it is the boy's name." He chuckled.

30 Minutes Later

Finally, Thomas and his team got out. He looked at us with an expression that I couldn't read.

"What the hell Thomas fucking Smith? What happened here? She should have been awake. Why she isn't awake? She just gave birth to her son. He needs her. We need her-"

Bella was having a mental breakdown and Gin can't handle such situations. As Thomas is the more collected twin. He hugged her tightly whispering in her ears.

She started to calm down. I found him signaling for one of the nurses beside him. She came back with a syringe.

Thomas injected Bella with it. Then she was limp in his arms. There were a few nurses with a bed in the hall. He told them to take her to a room and to stay by her side and to inform him if she woke up.

"Now I can talk without so much stress and screaming. If anyone of you breaks down like her, he or she can keep her company."
Thomas threatened the others.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked him as calmly as possible in order not to get on his nerves. Because he is not joking or bluffing. He takes his words seriously.

He looked at me intensely and then he looked around the room trying to find someone then he stopped when he saw Scott. He looked at him with a very weird look.

"Answer the boy, brother." This was the first sentence Gin said since he arrived.

"Her heartbeats were regular and even during labor, they rise to the normal limit. Nothing was wrong. Then all of a sudden her blood pressure decreased quickly and her beats did the same. Every vital sign dropped for no logical reason. Even though, we all know that she has a weak heart compared to youngsters her age. But everything was just fine. I examined her thoroughly every time. I just can't understand."

Thomas was in a helpless state just like the rest of us no one knows what happened.

We are frightened. Praying for her. We are just praying that some miracle will wake her up.

We know that a pregnant woman after giving birth needs her rest and can collapse after her delivery. But as he said she isn't a fully healthy mother. That's why I wanted her to abort the baby.

Thomas and other doctors warned her about what might happen. Yet she believed in God and still wanted to keep Scott.

When I first knew of her decision. I fought with her and left for a few days to calm down. Little did I know that was the most stupid decision I have ever made. She needed me at that time.

She was terrified. She didn't want to die and at the same time, she didn't want to kill our baby. She was ready to sacrifice her life to allow Scott to have his own. She is a selfless woman.
She is a warrior and I took her for granted. I swear that when she wakes up I will never be an asshole to her ever again.

"Can anyone tell us where is my princess?"
A dark voice said. I know that voice.

Oh, shit!

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