Chapter 4

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8:30 A.M.

Peter's P.O.V

I don't know what happened she was just awake a few hours ago. She was okay.
Why she is not awake? The delivery wasn't that hard or long. It just took 3 hours.

"What the hell happened? She is not waking up. Tell me, Thomas!" I told Tom.

He was barking orders to the nurses and other doctors just flooded into the room.
I felt someone trying to take the baby away from me, I tightened my hold on him but not too tight to hurt him and glared at whoever tried to take my boy.

"It is okay. I am just going to clean him up and the pediatrician will run some routine tests to make sure that he is okay. It is alright."
One of the nurses told me with a weak sympathetic smile.

But I was in a state of shock I didn't act fast so Thomas took him out of my arms forcefully and give my boy to the nurse.

Then he grabbed me by my collar. He wasn't angry he was scared, terrified even and I am sure that my eyes mirrored his at that moment. But as soon as this emotion appeared in his eyes it just disappeared.

"Listen to me very well, Peter. Because I am not going to have this conversation again.
This girl is your woman and my niece and both of us know that she is a fucking strong woman. She will make it alive. She will be okay. I don't care what the hell any medical book says. This girl will make it. So all I want from you is to suck it up and be a good father to your baby for just a few days till she wakes up. Trust me When I tell you I am the cute uncle here, this conversation wouldn't be a gentle one if it were with Gin. Now get the hell out of here you are in my way."

"No! I won't leave her alone here. She needs me!" I yelled at him.
Then what I found next was a fucking punch in the face. That bastard! He punched me for God's sake.

"If you want me to be able to help your woman get the fuck out of here, Carton!"

I just got out with the help of one of the nurses and she gave me a pack of ice.
Half an hour later, the nurse who took my boy handed him over to me.

"He is a very healthy baby boy. I think that he will be a great son." She told me.

"Thank you"

She sighed " Look, I know that whatever I will tell you right now won't ease your pain.
But trust me all of the staff here have seen different types of patients. Ones who made it and ones who didn't and ones who returned to square one after they were on the verge of being discharged. What I am trying to say is that there is no rule regarding hospitals. So, have faith you will need it."

I looked at my son and I felt awful. As I even tried to think about aborting him when he was in her womb. I never thought that you can love someone unconditionally as I do now.

Of course, I love Rose with every fiber of my body but the love I have for this one in my arms is just something else. We didn't choose a name for him until now. Okay, let me think. How about Scott?

"Hi, Scott. I love you so much. I am sorry for everything I have done. I am sure that your mother is very angry with me now. Haha, I told her something terrible before she gave birth to you. Do you think that is what worsened her condition?"

I talked with Scott until I found The Archers entering through the doors.

"Hi, Peter. Is everything alright? Where is Rose? Ooh, my sweet little boy. Did you choose a name for him?" Mrs. Archer started rambling. She was happy that she became a grandmother to the extent that she didn't notice the tension in the air.

"Mom, give him a moment to breathe. Sorry, Peter. You know how she becomes when she gets excited. How about you give me the boy and go see Dad he wants to talk to you."
Lizzy took Scott from me. Even though she is a teenager but she is much more mature than she looks.

"Okay, Lizzy. Thank you. Take care, please."

Mr. Archer was waiting for me on the other side of the waiting room. I don't know what to say. Oh, Mr. Archer, your daughter is in a coma after giving birth to our baby. That sucks.

"Hi. How is everything going?" Mr. Archer asked.

"She lost consciousness right after she gave birth to Scott. She doesn't wake up. Everything was going just fine. No one knows what the hell had happened. I can't lose her. I-I love her. No, I worship her.
I won't be able to live without her."

I broke down and he just hugged me. No words were needed but I felt wetness on my shoulder. He is crying but who am I to judge? She is his daughter after all.

"She will make it. She is my baby girl. Nothing will defeat her. She will wake up."
He told me with glassy eyes. Oh, Rose. A lot of people believe in you don't you dare break them.

"Oh, A good name by the way. I am sure that she will love it when she wakes up" He said smiling and I gave him one of my own.

Scott Peter Carton. That one sounds really good.

"I will go to the restroom real quick." I excused myself.

I entered the restroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror. All I saw was a fucked up man without the love of his life.
Not sure if he will be a good father.
Not sure if his woman will ever wake up again.

"Please, God I know that I have hurt her many times before but I love her. God if you return her to us, I swear that I will appreciate and cherish every upcoming moment with her. Please, it hurts like fuck."

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