Chapter 10

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11:00 A.M.

Peter's P.O.V.

"Can anyone tell us where is my princess?"
A dark voice said. I know that voice.

Oh, shit!

If I thought that my first encounter with Edgar was a disaster because he thought that I was a source of danger to Rose. I forgot that there was someone else who didn't just think that I was not worthy of Rose. He wanted to kill me for real at the beginning.

Our relationship now is not as easy as it is with Edgar but it is not as how it started.

They just love their child and they consider anyone who takes her from them a rival that they have to defeat even if I am her husband and the father of her child.

"Hi, Theo. How is everything going so far? "
Lizzy asked Theo.

"Not bad. How is she?" He talked in a very harsh tone.

I eympathised with her when I found her letting out a sigh and returning to her seat.

I feel like I have seen this scene before, where, where, Ohh.

This was the same way I had treated Rose before realising my feelings for her.

But I know that this is his way of coping with what is happening right now. He doesn't mean to be that harsh.

If Rose were awake, she would talk with Theo that he should be more gentle with her and he couldn't just shut her out because he didn't want her to see him as a weak man or something like that.

But after that, she would chuckle and tell me that he liked her but didn't want to admit it like someone she knew and she would look at me with a playful glare and rest her head on my shoulder.

However, Theo just doesn't know how to say that he is scared out loud even to his family. Rose is the only one who can get out the real Theo. He is not an annoying teenager but he is just a young man who ignores his feelings toward the girl whom he loves.

I was in my world and I didn't get to see Edward coming towards me.

"How is everything going? " Edward asked me.

"I don't know," I told him truthfully. I don't know how to answer this question.

"I never thought that there would be a time when I would tell you that but- damn it"

He tried to stay as strong as he appeared to be. But it is his princess after all.

"She will get up and she will give you a headache by telling you how you should treat the boy, how to feed him when she is tired or stuff, or the worst part when she tells you to change the diapers. "

He said the last part with a very horrified expression to the extent that it made me laugh. No one would think that a man as harsh as Edward could make such a funny expression just because of diapers.

When the others heard my laugh the tension in the hall started to lessen a little bit.

He looked at me with a troubled expression then he searched the room for someone. When his eyes landed on that someone I followed his line of vision then I saw my boy.

"Don't you dare hate the boy, ever." He said with a dark voice.

I did not get why he said that at first. Then I got it. Did he think that I would hate my son because my wife is in a coma?

"I would never. " I told him in a very firm tone of voice.

He looked me in the eye checking whether I was lying or not. When he got what he wanted he smiled a very small smile as if he was scared to smile.

"Theodore, come here my man." He said.

Theo answered his dad by coming towards him.

"Yes, Dad." He said in a very low voice.

"I know that whatever I will say now won't make her wake up this instant. And I am no fool to tell you a fact that she will wake up because she will. But what I want to tell you is that whatever is the result of today. Don't you dare harm or shut out the people who love you." Ed said.

Theo clenched his jaw and balled his fists by his sides but did not look his dad in the eye.

He is scared to see the truth that Ed tries to conceal. He is scared to see it in his eyes.

That she may never wake up

All of us are scared, terrified even. But we have no other choice but to wait.

"So, I think that you should apologise to someone here. Grow up and face it, my son. Okay. "

He said that and hugged Theo. His voice saved me from the dark thoughts that I had running in my head. I am thankful for that.

Then Theo went to Lizzy and started talking to her.

Minutes and minutes pass but
Nothing happened
She didn't wake up

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