Chapter 7

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California, USA.
9:40 A.M.

Rose/ Evangeline P.O.V

I took his hand. I feel safe with him, I believe that he is a good man. He is just in so much pain.

He guided me toward a black Jeep. It is awesome. I love this car and it is my first time getting into one.

"Tommy, get in the backseat." My friend said.

"Why Gin? Did something happen?" The other man whose name is Tommy said getting out of the car. He was shocked to see me. His eyes went wide.

"Gin, what is going on here?" Tommy asked.

"I will explain later. Now get in the backseat, please." Gin said rolling his eyes.

"Fine. Just because you asked nicely. Now let me see this baby boo." Tommy said making me giggle. He smiled at me and kneeled to reach my level.

"Hi, I am Thomas. I am this scary man's awesome brother. But call me Tommy." He said making me laugh at his comment about Gin while Gin slapped his head and glared at him.

"Guys, what is happening here?" A woman's voice interrupted the little fight between the brothers.

She is a very beautiful woman. Wait a minute she is the spitting image of Tommy. I think that she is his twin. Then she saw me.

"Aren't you such a cutie? I am the great sister of these two idiots and I am Tommy's twin. I think that you get from whom he gets his good looks now." she said making me laugh.

When I regained my composure after my laughter. I tried to introduce myself.

"I am Evangeline. It is nice to meet all of you. You can call me Eve. As that is the nickname that my sister gave me and I love being called by it." I smiled at them.

"Can we go now, guys? We don't have that much time." Gin said.

Tommy got into the backseat with Bella. On the other hand, Gin opened the door for me and helped me to the passenger seat, and buckled my seatbelt. Then he got in the car.

"I wish you to have a good drive with us. You can turn on the radio." He smiled at me and looked back to the road.

After I had turned on the radio, my favourite song started. It was Ella's favorite too. It was "Falling" by Alicia Keys.

I sang along with it.

I keep on falling in and out of love.
With you.

Then Bella and Tommy joined me it was very funny.

Then after 2 or 3 more songs, the car came to a stop. Gin got out of the car and the others did too. Then he came to my side and helped me out of the car. He carried me inside what I think is their home. It is cool and big.

"Welcome to our home, little one." Gin welcomed me and put me on my feet.

"Did you have breakfast, cutie?" Bella asked.

"No, I didn't," I answered as if on cue my stomach growled.

Making the trio laugh. I was so embarrassed and my cheeks turned red.

"Okay, baby boo. We will get food inside this little grumpy stomach of yours." Tommy said that while carrying me and tickling my stomach making me giggle.

Tommy then carried me towards the kitchen. We found Bella and Gin waiting for us. Tommy put me on the counter and went to sit beside Bella but I think that Gin didn't feel assured with me sitting on the counter so he carried me and took his seat with me on his lap.

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