Chapter 8

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California, USA.
11:45 A.M.

Rose/ Evangeline P.O.V

I was startled. I don't know what to say. How can I explain what I am doing here without looking like some bad girl?

He didn't utter a word and that scared me more. My Dad told me that a certain matter can get more complicated when you don't get a reaction from someone about that matter.

So, I was scared. I was imagining the worst-case scenario. What if he doesn't want me to be his friend anymore? What if he hates me? What if he lashes out? What if-

My thoughts were interrupted by someone blabbering.

"Gin, she is just a child. You know children, they are curious little creatures. Calm down, please. I am sure that she meant no harm." Bella said.

Tommy was there staring at me with sympathy. Gin still didn't talk, he was staring intensely at me. Then he took a deep breath.

"Can you leave me with her alone, please?"
Gin said.

They looked at him as if he grew two heads. They tried to tell him something but he gave them a look that made them leave without arguing more.

He looked at the bed and nodded towards it as if telling me to sit on it and I did that. He came and took his seat beside me. He put his head in his hands. I am scared to say a single word as I don't want to make the situation worse.

"I don't want you to be scared of me. I will never hurt you by any means." Gin said.

I didn't respond letting him continue.

"This is Rachelle's room or should I say was?"  He said chuckling a dark chuckle. The one that makes you shudder.

"She was just like you. A bundle of joy. She filled this house with giggles and laughter. She filled it with life. They were my heart."
He said.

I am sad for him. No one should feel what he is feeling right now. No one should go through what my family went through.

"Monica was the love of my life. We were college sweethearts. We had a pharmacy together. We were so happy when we found out that we were having Rachelle. Our life was simple and peaceful. Until one day some fu-. Some bad people destroyed all of this."

He took out something from the pocket of his jacket. It was a picture and he showed it to me it was Gin with a very beautiful woman with blue eyes and brown hair and a little girl between them. She has black hair like Gin and greenish-blue eyes. So, these are Monica and Rachelle. They were a happy family. He was very happy in this photo.

"Now I have everything any man wants. I have money, status, and even women thrown under my feet. Yet my heart is broken. I feel empty, little one. No one dared to approach me after their death. Even Thomas and Isabella, they didn't dare to approach me. They thought that giving me my time would help. Yet I know that they were also in pain because of their sister-in-law's and niece's death." He sighed.

"I didn't see their pain. I was an asshole to them and still am and if I apologise to them my whole life, it will not be enough. If they heard me, they would make fun of me for the upcoming years." He laughed bitterly.

"I can't get inside this room or the room that I shared with Monica. I am a coward. I don't want to remember that I didn't protect them. That I failed them." He said.

He started crying. I can't take it anymore. I hugged him tightly. I can sense his pain. He lost his family. Just like we lost Ella.

"You didn't fail them. You love them and they loved you. I know that you miss them. I know that it is hard for you to enter your daughter's room. I know that look in your eyes because I see it every day in my Mum's eyes. You will never forget them and they will always see you from heaven."
I told him still hugging him.

"You need to open this room and the other room. You should keep the memories alive. Open the curtains, and keep the rooms alive. Go and feel their presence and their scent in the pillows and the bed sheets. They are here. God is here. Don't lose faith."
I told him smiling with teary eyes.

He lay down on the bed and asked me to come beside him. He hugged me and within minutes we were out like light.

A Few Hours Later

I was shaken by someone. I snuggled more into whoever was hugging me.

"Go away, Tommy," Gin said in a sleepy voice.

"Guys, sorry to interrupt your lovely nap but it is 5 o'clock. So, I think that baby boo is a little bit late." Tommy chuckled anxiously.

That made me snap. How did I sleep this long? I am sure that Mum is crying her eyes out right now while Dad will be very angry and shouting at whoever will be talking to him by now.

I am in big trouble.

I looked at Gin with a worried look. He assured me that he would come with me and explain everything to my parents.

He took something with him before heading to the car but I didn't pay attention to whatever he brought with him.

All of us got in the car. The tension in the air can be cut by a knife. I am very worried about what may happen.

I gave Gin the directions to my house. He parked the car. We found a police car in front of our house.

Oh no, What will I do now?

"Don't worry, little one. Nothing will happen." Gin said with a smile.

"Yes, baby boo. We are the most amazing trio in the whole world. So, nothing can defeat you, especially when you are with us."  Tommy said carrying me.

"Come on, boys We have to face this," Bella said.

We walked towards the door of my house and knocked.

The door was opened revealing Adam with bloodshot eyes and a sigh of relief.

"Who is it, son?" I heard Dad's voice.

"It is Eve," Adam said in a low voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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