01: life before the outbreak

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I was peacefully sleeping until my twin brother came into my room and slapped me with pillows "Chaeyoung-ah! Get up!" Cheongsan said while laughing. "Ugh! Stop hitting me! I'm gonna kick your ass!" I shouted at him. He laughed and ran out of my room.

I got up and out of bed, still exhausted and slowly got up and outside to the bathroom. I changed into my uniform, and applied on some foundation, blush, and lip tint. For my hair, I did the usual, and kept it straight. Finally I looked more alive and awake now, so I went outside to go eat.

"Oh! Chaeyoung-ah! You're awake now! Good morning" my mom smiled at me. "Good morning mom!" I said to her cheerfully and sat down. I scanned the room and didn't see Cheongsan anywhere "Mom, where's Cheongsan at?" I asked her.

"Huh? Oh, I don't know. I saw him earlier, but I don't know where he is now" she replied to me. I nodded and sat at the table on my phone, waiting for my mom to finish cooking. After a few minutes, I heard my brothers loud footsteps. "Sorry! I was on my phone" he apologized.

"Cheongsan there you are! Chaeyoung was looking for you!" my mom told him and told him never mind and to sit down and just eat. "How did you brutally wake me up, and I still got out here before you" I told Cheongsan. 'Didn't I just tell you? I was on my phone Chae" he replied to me and too pulled out his phone.

Our mom gave us some chicken and rice from our restaurant, and I quickly finished up. "Mom, I'm done eating" I told her and put my dishes in the sink. Shortly after, Cheongsan finished as well and we left.

Cheongsan did the normal and doorbelled at Onjo's house. Onjo was his best friend since we were young. I too was friends with her, as she had lived next door to us our whole lives. I always suspected that Cheongsan liked Onjo, for gods sake I'm his twin.

The two played a game of rock paper scissors to see who would carry whose backpack. Cheongsan won for the first time in months. "Onjo! Let's run!" I said to her and grabbed her hand as we ran to the elevator quickly. "Yah! Nam Onjo! Lee Chaeyoung!"

I heard my brother yelling out me and her name, and his footsteps running after us, we got into the elevator quickly, and just in time the door closed before he could get in. Me and Onjo laughed together. "That was funny!" Onjo laughed. "I know right? Don't loose again, or else we'll have to repeat this process"

The elevator door opened and me and Onjo were prepared to go outside and walk together, but to our suprise, Cheongsan had already made it down before us. "You look like you ran a marathon" I told him. He tried to catch his breath before saying "It's cause I did"

He went up to Onjo with his backpack, ready to get it off his back. "Gopher, play fairly" he said. Onjo showed her finger, that had a band-aid on it "Look, I got hurt this morning while cooking" she said, trying to make Cheongsan feel bad. He just slid his backpack on her arm and walked away happily.

"Onjo, I'll get going now! I'm trying to catch Eunchae" I said, while apologizing to her cause I was leaving her alone. She said it was fine and that she understood me, so I ran off to go find Eunchae. I made it to school on time, and saw Eunchae. "Eunnie!" I shouted out to her. "Chaechae!" she shouted back.

Me and her were running to each other until a group of people walked between us. I saw that it was my brother. "This bitch" I muttered to myself before running to catch up with him and pulled his ear. He cursed and yelled out in pain "OUCH FUCK! WHAT THE HELL"

His friends started laughing at him and I let go "Fuck you, you went in between me and Eunchae" I said and crossed my arms. "I'll buy you Sotteok Sotteok and strawberry milk after school, as long as you let it go." he offered it to me. How could I say no to my favorite drink and street food.

"Fine, I'll remember you said that" I told him and walked off to go greet Eunchae. "Let's go start on our duties now?" she asked me. "Yeah! Let's go" I smiled at her and we ran to the back of the school, this time running into Suhyeok, Cheongsan, and Gyeongsu together. "Oh! Chaeyoung, Eunchae, I didn't know you had a job here?" Gyeongsu asked us. "We do, you guys too?" I quickly responded.

I never really was close with any of my brothers friends, we all knew each other existed, and they've tried to be friends with me. But, it's me that's the problem, I don't communicate well with people I just met, unlike my brother. So every time his friends would start conversation with me, they'd be outgoing.

"Yeah, we're taking you out, Chaeyoung" my brother said. I was confused until I saw him holding a trash bag, he held it up to me "See? It's you!" he joked. "Don't make me pull your ear again" I threatened him and he ran away with Gyeongsu to throw the trash away.

"Good morning, Chaeyoung, Eunchae" Suhyeok greeted us. Eunchae said a bright and happy good morning, but I said a very quick good morning to him before grabbing Eunchae's arm and walking away with her. Suhyeok was the one I avoided most, which sounds stupid because I have a crush on him.

He was too popular for me anyways, and I don't think that he would like someone like me. So I just stood back and admired him from afar. No one knew about it, not even Eunchae. Especially not my brother, he has a loud mouth so I know he'd tell.

After me and Eunchae had finished our duties, we both headed to class together, and sat in our seats. "Chae, do you like anyone?' Eunchae asked me. "That's so sudden, what's up?" I asked her back. "Nothing, it's just, I've never heard you say you liked anyone so I wondered!"

"I actually do!" I joked with her. "really? Who! Tell me!" Eunchae excitedly said. Her face lit up anticipating for me to tell her my crush, but instantly got let down the moment I said "my textbook". I looked back down and studied before class would start.

"I hate you, you had me hoping" she sulked. "I have my nose in a book half the time, and have my headphones on and deaf half the time, why would anyone like me" I told Eunchae. From the corner of my eye I saw Onjo give Cheongsan his backpack back and after she left I saw him standing there, smiling like an idiot.

I nudged Eunchae's shoulder "Looks like someone over there might have a crush" I laughed. Right as me and Eunchae were laughing, our teacher Ms.Park had entered the room. "Good morning students!" Ms.Park greeted us. We all sprung up from our seats and bowed, greeting her good morning as well. 

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