07: not again..

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We all heard talking outside, and some of them looked out the window and I sat down though. "Guys! Cheongsan is here with Suhyeok!" My eyes instantly drifted to them and I got up instantly. Suhyeok came through the window.

I was going to go get his hand, but Onjo had gotten it first. Eunchae had mentioned to me how she saw her giving her name tag to him when she went to the bathroom after Cheongsan went looking for onjo. "Are you okay?" Onjo asked him. He nodded and just smiled at her.

"Suhyeok-ah" I called out to him. He turned around instantly after hearing me call his name. Suhyeok pulled Onjo's hand off of his gently before coming over to where I was. "Chaeyoung I-" He was about to say something, but I had cut him off by hugging him.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Where'd you go?" I bombarded him with questions while checking him everywhere for bite marks, just as Cheongsan had done with me. "Chaeyoung, how about you? Are you okay?" he asked me. "I'm just fine, its yourself that you should be worrying about right now" I told him.

"You're more important to me than I am to myself" he told me, making me freeze in my place. "I mean it, Chaeyoung" he said to me before walking off to Daesu and the others. "Cheongsan" I called out to my brother. "You fucker! I was so worried about you." I said and pulled his ear.

"OUCH I'M SORRY!" he hissed in pain and I let his ear go before walking to Eunchae. By this point, we were all exhausted. This was the longest most dreadful day ever. Daesu was struggling to close the window with Gyeongsu, as it had gotten stuck.

"Close the window! Please! Close it now!" Nayeon shouted at Daesu and Gyeongsu. Oh here we go again. They finally got it closed and Gyeongsu lashed out at her "Can't you see the window got stuck!" he shouted.

Nayeon got out of her seat and shouted back at him "Is it wrong to say just to close it?". "Is your own survival all that matters here?" Gyeongsu told her. Eunchae jumped in and said "Yeah, if it weren't for us, you would've turned by now. And its the truth."

"I cant stand you, you stupid welfie" she shot at Gyeongsu. Everyone rolled their eyes at her, tired of her bs. Gyeongsu pushed her onto a chair and she let out a yell as if a zombie was in front of her. "What the fuck did you just say?"

Cheongsan quickly held him back "Gyeongsu, stop it". Nayeong stood back up "Did you just hit me?" she asked him. "Yeah. I did. Say it again I dare you" Gyeongsu said to Nayeon, slowly letting his anger take over.

Before it could escalate further, Ms.Park came and intervened. "Kids, let's not fight against ourselves now okay?" she calmly told to Nayeon and Gyeongsu. "He just hit me!" she shouted at Ms.Park. "You called me a welfie first!"

"Was I wrong though?" she defended herself, but it didn't work. "How could you say that." Cheongsan told her. "What's a welfie?" Ms.Park asked. We all went silent, but Suhyeok decided to answer. "A person on welfare Miss. Welfie for short"

"Nayeon, you were wrong, don't say that ever again, and Gyeongsu if you hit someone for that you're the one who loses!" she reprimanded both of them. "Where are the other teachers, did you call the cops?" Jimin stepped forward and asked.

"I'm sure someone did, I don't have my phone on me" Ms.Park told us. Cheongsan told her how we called both the first responders and the police and they never came. Afterwards we went into speculation about how it may have started with Hyeonju, before going to check the computer for anything online.

"Log into mine" I said, and told them the password to my Instagram. As soon as the page opened, my profile also opened exposing all the posts I had of myself. "Wow, Chaeyoungie! You look like a model!" I kicked my brother in the back of his leg "Don't even start there swear-"

Gyeongsu was standing by the window while we looked online for any news. That's when all of a sudden the end of the hose started tapping on the glass. He jumped away from it instantly, and it broke the window by the third swing.

"What the hell!" Wujin and Daesu both cursed at the same time. "Calm down, maybe it was just the wind" Suhyeok brought up. Cheongsan grabbed a mop and went to go check, and that's when a zombie came right in his face.

Everyone in that room started cursing, and the guys all grabbed things to hit at the zombies. I stayed in the back, holding Eunchae's hand. "Fuck bro we should've broke the rope after we all got down it" I said to Eunchae, visibly stressed.

After a long fight of trying to get the zombie off of the rope, the zombie finally fell off. Now the window was cracked, and glass was all over the ground. Me and Eunchae got up and swept it off to the side with our shoes.

Everyone stood off to the side after the zombie had fallen off, Cheongsan then said something that made everyone fall into silence. "Gyeongsu.. your nose is bleeding"

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