15: something isn't right

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"Lee Chaeyoung! Use your words!" my brother yelled. It wasn't a yell of anger though, rather a yell of fear, and sadness. "It's true, she was. She saved me from getting killed by him." Suhyeok defended me.

"Thats impossible, Gwinam was bitten by zombies." Cheongsan explained. "What bullshit is that?" Suhyeok said. Cheongsan replied with "I fought him in the library. I saw him get bit by them. If you get bitten by zombies you turn, so if Chae was-"

"You're wrong!" Suhyeok raised his voice a little. The argument stopped as we heard zombies banging on the window and door. "Gwinam wasn't a zombie. He spoke, he recognized me.". Suhyeok was defending me, like his life depended on it.

I was bitten, but yet he was still defending me. He turned over to me and said "You saw, he wasn't a zombie." I just stood up and asked my brother "Are you sure he was bitten by a zombie?"

"Yes" he replied, with a straight face. "Then I'll turn into a zombie too." I said, with sadness. "Stop that, Chaeyoung." Suhyeok told me, but I didn't listen "Chaeyoungie!" Eunchae shouted, the sadness in her voice being heard. "Eunnie, I love you."

I turned my attention to my brother. "Cheongsan, take care of yourself and take care of Eunchae for me. Hold onto this okay?" I said and pointed to our necklace. I turned over to Suhyeok, ready to say I liked him.

"I-... Nevermind, I'm leaving. Thank you for everything Suhyeok." I said and started to make my way towards the door "Lee Chaeyoung" he called out to me and followed me to the door, stopping me from leaving by grabbing my hand.

"You're not one of them" he said, and dragged me back. "She won't turn into a zombie." Even though it meant facing his best friend, he still defended me. "Don't you believe me?" Suhyeok asked everyone, which resulted in silence.

"Gwinam was bitten, it happened when we fought" my brother argued back. "I fought him too, that's how I know" he said and pulled me over to the window and opened the curtains, then opened the window.

"Look, if she turns, I'll throw her out the window so she can't attack you. So don't say anything." he said to everyone, and held his hand up to show he was holding mine. "Suhyeok, you don't need to do this."

"You too. Stay quiet." he told me. My brother started coming towards us with the music stand in hs hand. "Don't come closer, I warned you" Suhyeok argued. "I warned you first, asshole" Cheongsan argued back. "Stay away. Gyeongsu was enough. If ChaeChae turns, I lose my sister, and I won't lose you too."

"Get out of the way" Cheongsan said. "I'm sorry, my ChaeChae" he apologized to me. Suhyeok let go of me and shielded me from my brother "You fucker, I told you to stop!" Suhyeok said and pushed Cheongsan. The two started to argue and push each other.

"Both of you! Stop it!" I yelled at both of them. They both stopped, as no one had ever heard me yell before. I never yelled, I hated yelling at people. But I had to this time. "Lee Suhyeok, you punch my brother, I'll punch you next"

He lowered his fist down and turned his attention to me. "If I feel strange at all, I'll make sure I die so you don't have to do it." I said. "I'm sorry, Chaeyoung.. Your older brother is sorry" he said while tearing up.

"Don't be sorry, you have no choice." I assured him. "I'm sorry, my ChaeChae" he apologiezed once again. "Suhyeok, push me if I turn" I said and got up on the ledge of the window. "Yah Lee Chaeyoung!" he said and held my arm tightly.

I didn't respond however, only a single tear went down my eye. Onjo went up to Cheongsan and whispered loud enough to hear. "Stop that. Thats enough. Chaeyoungie would've turned by now" Onjo said.

"No." he replied to her. "She was bitten by Gwinam, she should be fine." Onjo said. "He was bitten by zombies" Cheongsan told her. "Suhyeok said he wasn't one, and plus.. can you really do this to Chae?"

"I saw it with my own eyes"

"Suhyeok has no reason to lie"

"But I do?"

"Still.. Suhyeok-" Onjo was about to speak but Cheongsan cut her off. "I know you like him, but this is a different matter." My heart sank when he said that. Did she really like him? Was that why Onjo left with him, the day he took Hyeonju to the infirmary?

The two whisper-argued back and forth with each other until eventually they stopped. After about 4 minutes I was just sitting on the window ledge, resting my head. Suhyeok was seated on a chair not too far from me.

Then I started feeling unusual. Something about me, wasn't right..

I lost control of my hands, and my bones started cracking. I turned over next to me, and saw Suhyeok. I just stared at him wondering what was happening to me. I thought all these thoughts to myself.

"I feel weird, I feel hungry.."

"Suhyeok, why do you smell so good?"

My vision was turning red, his breaths were more clear sounding to me than they should, I could hear everytime he swallowed. He looked over to me, but I was spaced out, wondering what I was feeling. "ChaeChae" he said.

WIthout thinking, I grabbed him by his shoulder, and went to bite him. 

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