12: i'll go with you

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The next morning I woke up to my head still on Suhyeok's shoulder, and my arms still clinging onto his. I got up and used his jacket to cover him and went to sit with my brother. "How did you sleep?" I asked him. "Terrible. My neck hurts. But hey at least my baby sister slept well"

"On her boyfriends shoul-" I pulled him by his ear hard before he could say anything. "Friend, not boyfriend." I corrected him and let go of his ear as he winced in pain from me pulling it as I let go. "Whatever you say ChaeChae"

He got up to go look at the choppers that kept flying around. I stayed seated on the desk and just leaned my head on the wall, when Suhyeok came up to me. "Good morning" he told me. "Morning, how did you sleep?" I asked him. "No good? Just morning? Kidding, but I slept fine, and you?"

"Only morning, cause if it were a good morning, we'd be saved and have been out of here.." I sighed then remembered the question he asked me. "Oh.. and I slept okay, it wasn't the best night's rest ever but, it was bearable thanks to you"

I smiled at him and then went off to Eunchae. "Eunnie, are you okay?" I asked her and held her hand. "I'm not but.. I'm holding on, it's what he would've wanted for me.." she sighed and looked down at her and Gyeongsu's matching bracelet together. "At least he's still wearing his.. although he turned.."

"Chaechae, hold onto our bracelet too okay? And the necklace you share with Cheongsan. I mean.. we don't know when one of us will-" I shushed her before she could say anything else. "None of us will turn Eunchae, we'll all make it out of here."

We all discussed what our next plan was. We were going to write "SOS" on the curtains, and also try to get a cellphone from the teachers office. Cheongsan went by the window and jumped up, ready to go down.

Onjo then stood up from her chair "Lee Cheongsan, stop being so stubborn." My brother however didn't listen. "The teachers office is two rooms across and one floor down" he said. "Don't go" Onjo told him. "I'll come back here if I can't make it all the way. Don't worry"

"I'm not worried about you, I'm angry" she said with a straight face. "Sure, why would you worry about me?" he scoffed and proceeded to go out. "You better get back here, or you'll have to face my wrath" I threatened him.

"I told you, I'll come back if I can't make it all the way. Just stay here ChaeChae. Stay with your-" I cut him off and threatened him again. "Finish that sentence and I'll push you right out of that window."

"Eunchae, take care of this idiot" he said and pointed to me before leaving and slowly making his way to the teachers office. Suhyeok then grabbed his jacket and too went forward to the window, about to follow after my brother "I'll go with him"

I followed him and grabbed his hand, pulling him back. "You go out there and I'll go with you. I mean it." I said and got close to the window as well. "You're crazy, you can't go. You stay here" I told Suhyeok. He took my hand out of his, "I'll be back, I promise Chaeyoung"

He then followed after Cheongsan. I spent a good 3 minutes thinking if I should follow or not and I decided I would. "Guys, I'll be back" I said. "Lee Chaeyoung!" Eunchae yelled. "Eunnie, don't worry. I'm a fighter. I'll be back, promise"

I gave Eunchae, Namra, and Onjo all hugs before I too made my way out the window.

Cheongsan POV

Suhyeok followed after me "Why do you keep following me?" I asked him. "Well, who else do you have?" Suhyeok responded. "Stay close," I instructed him and started walking, before coming right back to where we were.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked him. "Let's hang by our hands and go" he said . "No I mean- I heard that Onjo told you, she likes you. Are you going out with her?" I asked Suhyeok, and he replied with "Is that really important right now?" and nudged me, making me almost fall off and die.

I nudged him as well "I'm not asking because it's important, I'm just curious" I told him. "Why? Should I go out with her?" Suhyeok joked and laughed a bit. "Why are you asking me? Do as you wish"

He then kicked me in the leg lightly and said "What do you think?". "I'd rather you go out with her than go after my sister." I said. Right as I said that Chaeyoung had made her way to us "Yah Lee Chaeyoung! I told you to stay there!" I scolded her.

"You think I'd stand there and do nothing? Please, my 5 years in track are going to waste." Chaeyoung told me. "You really never listen to me do you.." I said, stressed. "Who said I went out here for you anyways?" she told me and laughed. "Don't worry, she didn't listen to me either." Suhyeok followed.

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