13: separated

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Chaeyoung POV

"Ugh whatever, just go!" I shouted and we slowly went to the teachers office. We heard a girls scream and we stopped in our tracks and signaled each other to be quiet and then once the screaming stopped Cheongsan slowly opened the window.

We managed to sneak past the zombies, but then we heard smashing. "The fuck is that?" Suhyeok whispered. "I don't know, lets go check" Cheongsan said and crawled towards the floor silently.

There was someone destroying every single phone there while repeating "I'll destroy them all". "What the hell" I whispered. She kept on smashing phones to the point where one flew off the table. She went back down to the floor and destroyed every one.

Cheongsan decided to reach for the phone that fell but she noticed. "Shit, shit" I cursed under my breath and backed up a bit. "I'll kill you!" she yelled and came at Cheongsan. "Give it to me fucker, I'll kill you!" she screamed while attempting to grab the phone out of his hands.

Me and Suhyeok took the time to get up and Suhyeok went behind her and threw her into a filing cabinet. The zombies heard the noises, and were now coming to the teachers office. Suhyeok grabbed both me and Cheongsan and attempted to get us out of there before they came.

We were about to go out the window but the phone was cracked. We all went back and fought off all the zombies as hard as we could. "Take Chaeyoung and go! I'll catch up."

Suhyeok grabbed my hand and told me to go out first. "No, I'm staying here," I said. "No Chaeyoung, you can't, I'll stay here you go" he argued back. "Lee Suhyeok! Go! Go back!" I shouted and nudged him towards the window.

"If I get bit, I have to ask you to-" he cut me off. "No, you can't. Don't get yourself bit." Suhyeok said. "But, let's say I do-"

"Stop it. You'll come back, Chaeyoung." Suhyeok said. "I'll be right behind you.. Just go" I said and ensured his safety as he went out the window. Me and Cheongsan put up a good fight, until we got separated in the horde of zombies.

I ran around this floor for many long minutes, checking every classroom to hide in. I entered a classroom that looked empty but when I went in, there were a couple of zombies on the floor waiting for me.

"Oh fuck!" I cursed out loud, and threw a desk to lure the zombies to that noise, and took the opportunity to run away. I fought these monsters with nothing but my hands and feet. Kicking and pushing them all.

I finally found safety. In the bathroom on the floor where the science lab was. I started by checking all the stalls for anyone, and there was no one. I went inside the stall furthest from the door, and locked myself inside.

"Fuck.. I should've listened..." I said to myself. I sat on the floor, desperately trying to catch my breath. My throat was dry, and I had an idea. I got out of the stall and drank the water from the sink, besides that's probably the same water we drink out of the fountains.

I wish I could take some of this water to them, as they're probably longing for water. After I filled myself up with water, I just went back into the stall, closing it as quietly as I could.

I then burst into tears, covering my mouth hard to prevent sobs from getting out. I thought about those who I had seen die in front of me, both Isak and Gyeongsu.

I thought about Eunchae, Namra, and Onjo, as they would think they lost me and Cheongsan as well. My parents, I wonder if they stayed home, were alive, and waiting to be rescued.

Then I thought of my brother, not knowing whether he was alive or not. I should've stayed with him. I should've but I didn't.. Most importantly, Suhyeok came to mind, making me cry the most.

If he thought my brother and I had died, he might think it's his fault for me and Cheongsan's death. He would regret letting me stay behind, and most importantly, I never got to tell him I loved him...

Suhyeok POV

After I came back, I apologized to everyone for coming back alone. I told them how Cheongsan and Chaeyoung told me to leave, although I refused at first, Chaeyoung forced me out.

I waited at the window, longingly hoping that Cheongsan or Chaeyoung would show up, but nothing. I knocked something over and went to see what it was and picked it up. It was the strawberry milk, reminding me of Chaeyoung's last words to me.

"If I get bit.."

I should've let her finish that sentence. I shouldn't have cut her off. I had hope she was alive, but also was losing hope at the same time. I teared up at the thought of her turning.

I knew how she was, she'd fight until her death. She would use all her strength to fight them off. But then eventually, she'd fall. Cheongsan told me that everytime she got hurt when they were kids, she'd call for him or their mom.

I felt sick, at the thought of no matter how hard she fought for her life, she'd die. The one person that I loved, getting killed by these monsters. The vision couldn't get out of my head now..

"Get off of me!" she would yell out. But those zombies got the best of her. She'd still fight back till she couldn't no more. Those beasts would eat her alive, as she called for both her mom and Cheongsan.

I threw the carton to the floor, I didn't want to think about it any longer. I sat on the floor hopelessly, as no one ever came to the broadcasting room. I just sat there, and thought to myself,

"Please Chaeyoung, be alive. I can't lose you, I love you."

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