06: losing a friend.

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After we all had boarded the windows with the desks and chairs, I sat on the floor against the door with Eunchae. We rested each other's heads on our shoulders. As we sat in silence, the intercom came on, and it was Ms.Park.

Everyone had gotten emotional, as she said she hoped to see us again, alive and well. She told us all to stay safe, and that she was sorry she couldn't help us. I was emotional over that, and the fact that I didn't know where Suhyeok was.

"Chaechae! Cheer up.. I'm sure that Suhyeok is okay!" Eunchae tried to cheer me up but it didn't work. Cheongsan came up next to me out of nowhere "Yeah Chae, he runs super fast and can beat anyone's ass!" my older brother told me. The way he said it made me smile a little bit.

"Isak... why are your hands so cold?" I heard Onjo ask Isak. "What do you mean?" Isak asked. "Isak.. were you bitten?" Onjo asked her best friend. "No! I wasn't!" she snapped. This is what happened with Mr.Kang.

He kept denying that he was bitten, and it turns out he was, and in return, he turned into a zombie. Everyone looked at Isak. "Guys! I swear! I wasn't bitten! I-" Isak cut herself off. Before she could finish her sentence her nose started bleeding.

She rushed over to a mirror to look at herself. What she saw was her nose bleeding, and her eyes turning that bloodshot red. "You're.. you're okay right?" Gyeongsu asked Isak. All she could do was look over at Onjo, and say her name "Onjo.."

"No right? I'm not like them right?" Isak asked Onjo. Onjo told her no and gave her one last hug. We all knew that she would turn sooner or later. "What are you guys doing! Get her out of here!" Nayeon shrieked once again. God how badly I just wanted to duct tape her mouth shut.

"Get her out now!" she shouted again, but this time, zombies started pounding at the windows. "Shut up! You're gonna kill us all by drawing them here!" Eunchae said to her distressed, too tired from pushing the desks back earlier, to raise her voice and argue.

Cheongsan silently pulled Onjo away from Isak. Isak tried walking towards Onjo, but Cheongsan pulled her back, making her fall to her knees. I heard those sounds again. Her bones cracking, her making the zombie noises, and her face had too become mutated.

I stood up with Eunchae, and we backed away from the door, as Isak could come at us at any time. "Hurry, do something! Throw her out the window!" Nayeon yelled once again. She was like a robot. An annoying one that never shut up.

"Hurry! She's turning into a zombie!" Nayeon kept screaming. "They're gonna jump over shit!" Daesu cursed.

Isak stood up, and charged right at Cheongsan. He fought Isak, despite Onjo crying and begging him to stop. After a short fight, Cheongsan had knocked her out of the window. We all thought that would be the end of it, but it wasn't. Onjo had run over to the window and was holding Isak's hand tightly.

"Onjo! Are you out of your mind? You have to let go!" Cheongsan repeatedly told her. "Cheongsan! I'll take it from here" I told him. I spoke calmly to Onjo. "Onjo.. I know.. you love Isak. And how she's your best friend.."

"She was my friend too Onjo, but.. we have to let her go now.." I told her, pulling one of Isak's hands from hers to mine. "Let's let her go together okay?" I told her. Onjo shook her head no and told me she couldn't do it. "We have to Onjo.. Let's let Isak go now, so she can be free"

She cried a bit before agreeing to let go of Isak's hand with me. When she did, she instantly threw herself into my arms. I comforted her the best way that I could, I know how special Isak was to her.

I looked away for about 10 minutes, paid attention to comforting Onjo and turns out Cheongsan had gotten the hose that Onjo used earlier, to make a rope going down. Everyone had made their way down the rope. I was the second to last to leave.

I made my way down the hose slowly, making sure not to rush too much as it might snap. The second I got down the rope into the broadcasting room, I gave Ms.Park a hug before sitting down with Eunchae.

"Where's Cheongsan?" Onjo asked, and hurried to the window. But all there was was a swinging hose. No one had come down. Please god, don't tell me I lost someone else I loved.

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