03: the outbreak

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Chaeyoung POV

It was now time for lunch, a few class periods had passed by. "Onjo, give me your pineapple pleasee" Eunchae begged Onjo. Onjo didn't give her any, but instead proceeded to eat her pineapple in front of her, making her have a pout on her face.

"Here Eunchae, have mine. I ate enough already" I smiled and gave her my pineapple. "Just be sure to put my tray away when you two are done. I'll be heading over to the class early to study okay?" I told them. The girls said goodbye to me and I turned on noise cancellation mode and started blasting music in my headphones.

I was studying for my History test when someone tapped my shoulder, I turned over to see who it was and it was Suhyeok, he was saying something but I wasn't no lip reader so I took out my headphones on my neck. "Pardon?"

"I said, you shouldn't wear your headphones so much, it's not good for your ears" Suhyeok stuttered. " I know. Cheongsan says that often" I replied to his comment and put my headphones back on. He stopped me once more. Lord can't I study in peace?

"What is it?" I said to him with a slightly annoyed tone. I loved being polite to everyone, especially him, but I was getting annoyed now. I was just trying to study and he wouldn't stop bothering me and I take my studies seriously.

Suhyeok POV

I had decided to finally man up and talk to Chaeyoung, after months. I told her that wearing headphones too long could hurt your ears, and now I was about to give her the strawberry milk that her brother already suspected was for her "I was uh.. Going to give you this"

I handed her the strawberry milk. She took one look at it. God I was praying she wouldn't turn me down. "Oh.. I'm full right now sorry. You can give it to me another day." she replied as she put her headphones back on and walked away from me slowly.

I slid the carton of strawberry milk back in my pocket as I mentally cursed myself for being so awkward, the first time talking to her too.

Chaeyoung POV

I put my headphones back on and walked away from him. As I was walking away while reading, groups of students started running past me quickly, sending a breeze of air my way. However, I was undisturbed and kept my eyes on the text on the textbook, also deaf from the music in my ears.

All of a sudden, Suhyeok came from behind me and pulled me the opposite way, I slid my headphones onto my neck so I could hear whatever he was saying to me. "Hold onto me okay Chaeyoung? Don't let go of me" he instructed me, and held my hand as we were running.

I nodded yes to him and tightened my grip on his hand. We ran for what felt like forever, the inhuman students who appeared to be zombies attacking students left and right of us. We ran down the stairs, hand in hand, looking behind us as we reached the last step, only to see students getting ripped apart by them.

We ran towards the school until Suhyeok said "Here! Lets go this way" We went toward a door which was supposed to be one of the entrances to the school, but as he was about to open the door a zombie jumped right at the glass, startling both me and him.

Suhyeok looked around in a panic before leaving, dragging me with him. As we both were going to look for another way into the school away from the zombies, we saw one of the school gardeners fighting off zombies on a ladder with a gardening tool until he fell off.

"We have to use that! That's our only chance to get inside the school, into a class, without going through the doors" he said. "We need to wait for them to leave, let's run around this area for now!" I told him, and pulled him with me as both of us paced around the school.

Once the zombies left the area, Suhyeok picked up the ladder and put it near a window and he climbed up. "Chaeyoung, get up on the ladder so once I open this window and shout out to you, you follow right after me okay?"

"Okay.. hurry! I don't know how much time we have left..." I told him and he started rushing up the ladder. People were getting killed left and right, and I didn't know whether this would be my death or not.

I anxiously waited on the ladder, tapping my foot on the steps of the ladder, my heart felt like it was about to jump out at any time. I felt relieved as soon as I heard the voices of Cheongsan, Daesu, and Wujin. "Chaeyoung! Hurry!" I heard Suhyeok's voice and instantly made my way up the ladder. Right as I was going up, zombies had knocked the ladder over.

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