08: full of fear

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Gyeongsu froze in his spot and wiped his nose "Ah... its cause while we were fighting the zombie Suhyeok hit me with the mop" he said and then tried to sit down. "Stay away! Don't come any closer! You were bitten weren't you!" Nayeon said to him.

"I wasn't! I just told you, Suhyeok hit me with the mop! Why do you keep picking on me?" Gyeongsu defended himself. "You were bitten!" Nayeon shoted at him and turned to all of us. "Isak got a nosebleed before she turned, Onjo, Chaeyoung, you know! That's how she was" she explained to us and we just looked at her with a blank stare.

Ms.Park stepped in and said Gyeongsu's name before he too told her as well "I swear! I wasn't bitten!". Gyeongsu whispered "God damn" to himself before Nayeon opened her mouth again. "Hey.. your hand, what is that?"

"This is from when I picked up the computer! Don't you trust me?" he said, his tone switching to a sad and defensive tone as. "This happened while I was saving you all, how could you do this?"

Cheongsan walked up to him and took his hand to get a closer look "It's not a bite mark, it's just a scratch" Cheongsan said to everybody. "Whoever wants to check, come and check" he added. All of us went over to check it, and it really was just a scratch.

"Hey Nayeon, say you're sorry and end this" Daesu said and walked up to Nayeon. Eunchae let go of my hand and walked up to her too "Yeah, end this. We're all getting headaches from you and his arguments!"

"Why should I?" Nayeon said to both Daesu and Eunchae. "He did it to save us" Daesu replied to her calmly but Eunchae got worked up. "Why should I? Did you just ask why you should? He saved us and you don't have the slightest bit of thanks in you? You are such an entitled bra-"

Before she could continue I pulled her away "Eunchae, not now" I said and shot a burning look at Nayeon before walking away. "Just say your sorry" Daesu continued on. Now Nayeon got worked up "Why should I be sorry? And also Eunchae! How dare you speak like that? He could be infected and kill us all! I saw everything, I saw it grab his hand"

"Nayeon, thats enough." Ms.Park jumped in to calm the situation down. "He was touched by it!" she shoted. "God here we go again.." Eunchae muttered and facepalmed herself. Cheongsan came to his defense "Does being touched mean he's infected?"

"Who knows? It might!" she shouted at my brother. Onjo broke her silence and said "I held Isak's hand before she fell. She was already a zombie. We were both holding each other's hands. So why am I okay?"

"He has a wound on his hand. It's different when its an open wound" Nayeon reponded to Onjo's words. "Why that-" Gyeongsu was coming towards Nayeon but Suhyeok stopped him. "Don't yell at me! Think about it!" she shouted at us. "You're the one who yelled at us first!" I yelled back at her, completely ignoring what she said.

"Entitled bitch" I whispered to myself before rolling my eyes and looking away from her. "Nayeon, I know you always hated Gyeongsu but this is totally different from just badmouthing him." Cheongsan told Nayeon. "This is about someones life and death"

"She's always like this" Jimin, who had been quiet most of the time told Cheongsan. "If it weren't for him, we might be all dead." Suhyeok said. "And now he may kill us." she shot at Suhyeok. God this girl is giving me a headache.

"I'm about to fucking die because of you if you don't shut the fuck up right about now" Wujin said and I added on"Well said, cause I'd rather jump out that window and die than listen to you for another 5 minutes"

"I'm fine I told you!" Gyeongsu snapped at her. "Enough! Stop it all of you! Lets do this, Gyeongsu, how about you go in the recording room for 10 minutes to see if you're infected I know its hard but, I think that's better than being suspected"

"The others don't suspect me, it's just her" he answered Ms.Park but she insisted on him going. Gyeongsu said he'll just stay in there for an hour. "Is that enough Nayeon? If nothing happens you'll sincerely apologize to him right?"

She said yes and Ms.Park asked if all of us were okay with it and we all agreed. CHeongsan said to Ms.Park that no one would wanna step up after this and she said to take this as a way of learning how to trust each other.

"I trust Gyeongsu" Cheongsan said and then Gyeongsu went into the recording room. Eunchae sat by the door, talking to him. The door was opened by a crack, and she was holding the handle above her head so she could shut it closed at any time.

I sat down and let out a long sigh. Suhyeok stood behind me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't stress too much Chaeyoung, shes not worth the stress. And plus, I'm sure Gyeongsu will be okay" he told me. "You should stop comforting people, you suck at it." I joked and laughed a bit.

During the hour that Gyeongsu was in there, Eunchae was there talking to him the whole time, and I was with my brother the whole time, and was sitting with him all throughout, the sun had also set. Cheongsan told him to come out but he refused. Everyone then crowded the window that looked inside.

Ms.Park got inside as well and he also refused. Eunchae tried, surely he'd listen to his girl best friend right? Well, he didn't as he still refused even when Eunchae was begging for him to come outside now. "I'll go in, lets give it one last shot" Cheongsan volunteered.

"Why should you? If anyone should go in it's Nayeon who should." Jimin said to Cheongsan and shot a glare at Nayeon who was sitting in the corner, and everyone turned around. "Why should I?"

"Oh for heavens sake here we go again" I said with annoyance in my voice. "You're the one who accused him and he's fine!" Eunchae said. "He's like that because of you" Jimin added on and backed up Eunchae.

"Lord are they seriously gonna argue again? I thought to myself. "What did I do?" Nayeon replied to Jimin. "Don't act like a dumbass, you know what you did!" Eunchae shouted at her. "You all suspected him! Is it wrong to suspect that?"

We all started saying we didn't suspect him besides Eunchae. "How about you, Eunchae?" she asked. "If I suspected him why would I sit by the door for an hour talking to him if I knew he would turn. Use your brain stupidass"

"You could've done that cause you liked him, we all know you do!" she shouted at Eunchae. "Woah woah! So what if I do? Besides, when did my crush on him ever get into this! You're acting as if just because I like him, I'd be okay with putting all of us in danger?"

"I'm defending him because he isn't infected, and we all know that! He would've turned by now if he were bitten." Eunchae reprimanded Nayeon. Her points were all valid ones. Ms.Park went up to Nayeon and reminded her of the promise she made, so she went inside.

Everyone surrounded the window watching as she apologized and I stayed back with Namra. "Chaeyoung-ah." Namra said to me. "Hm? What is it?" I replied to her. "I think.. I think Nayeon wiped zombie blood on her handkerchief... but.. I can't be so sure, my visio has been blurred all day.." she told me and pointed to the broken mop handle.

Horror and fear filled me, as I noticed the top of the broken mop that had stabbed the zombie had been wiped. I grabbed Namra's hand and went up to the window with her. Thats when we saw Nayeon, wiping Gyeongsu's wound with the handkerchief.

My heart dropped, and I felt sick to my stomach. Me and Namra looked at each other, both of us having fear in our eyes, we knew what happened, we knew she wiped the blood on there, and she had used that same exact handkerchief with blood on it to wipe Gyeongsu's wound. Needless to say, I was horrified.

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