PB and J

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We are back in school and let me tell you I am not happy ,but ranka made me come to school TT^TT. To top it all off I got zero sleep the night before because a certain host clouded my thoughts.

"Hey Kimberly you look like~" "~you were hit by a bus", they tease doing a weird face and finger thing.

"Hehe as you can see I'm wearing a nice shade of I 'i slept like shit so dont piss me off'", I say with an irk mark forming.

They continued to tease me ,so I just fell asleep. I woke up a few times just to make sure if the teacher called the right subject would be answered. They I was woken up.


"Uuuum 20", I say out of the blue.

"What, nevermind class is over. It's time for lunch", a familiar voice says. I look up to see kaoru and... Only kaoru huh weird.

"Ok so Kaoru where's Hikaru", I asked confused why winced they were usually attached to the hip.

For a moment I saw panic as he quickly said, "he already went to eat lunch with haruhi" I left it at that and we headed to the cafeteria to eat our lunch. We quickly arrive and I soon spot Hikaru and haruhi talking ,so I go to sit with them.

"Sup guys", I say pulling out my lunch. All of the host club decide to eat with us ,so when I pull out my PB and J sandwich they look amazed.

"Kimberly what is that exotic food you brought" ,tamaki ask poking at it along with the twins and honey senpai.

"Uum a PB and J sandwich why", I say a little confused.

"What's a 'PB and J sandwich'", they ask. Dear lord why apace you put me with dumbasses. After I'm done explaining what a PB n J is they want me to make them one. Great. So I go to the store and pick up white bread ,peanut butter ,and jelly. Once I get back they automatically think it's done so yeah I had to deal with that.

"You take two pieces of bread ,put peanut butter on one and jelly on the other, smash the pieces together and bam PB and J", I explain as if I'm teaching idiots. Oh way I am.

I split the sandwich into fours and hand a piece to hikaru ,kaoru ,tamaki ,and honey since they were the only ones who wanted it and they started complimenting me.

"Wow this is actually~" "~pretty good"

"It's delicious Kimmy-chan"

"My dearest daughter has become quite the cook since she made this fine dish. She slaved over the counter putting precise amounts of the ingredients to this and I am oh so grateful for this commoner dish that they define as fine cuisine ,so I thank you Kimberly for the opportunity to have such a fine meal"

Just guess who's who. Especially that last one. Yep. Mhm. You got it right it was the frivolous idiot that we call a president and tamaki. In the end I couldn't help and blush at one of the comments ,but he'll only see me as a sister. (A/N: HINT HINT HINT)


Thanks for reading and gues the certain host that I like and leave it in the comments. You never know you could be right.

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