Hi Dad

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"Mom and dad said you can't stay on here on your own so they sent me with you." ,Casey said with a shrug. Thank god it's not the other reason.

"Are you in some hentai shit coming here" I turn to the others "no offense" , I said.

"No" ,he said with an eye role.

"Well you came to talk so let's talk btw I am the weird type even though I could be a girl lalita" ,I said with a pout. We had talked andit turns out my parents didn't care as long as I wasn't alone.

"Casey do you have an apartment because I'm living with someone else" ,concerned for Casey's well being.

"Yeah a two bedroom apartment" ,he said eating carrot cake *cough* *cough* devil *cough* cake *cough* *cough*.

"Ewwwwww", I say pointing at the cake.

"still hate carrot cake" ,I nod.

~next day~

I be pimpin into class with my shades up and my hood on looken all thug and shit.

"I BE LIVIN THEH THUG LIFE", I exclaim to the class.

They all just stare and from the back of the class I hear ,"TI-TANS!!" "TITANS IS MY TRIGGER WORD" ,I say hoping the voice would catch on "jolly fucking ranchers I bet your mother wishes she'd swallow you" ,it scream.

I meet the voice and its Cali "oh meh gerd gur howz you gets here" ,I ask I a weird accent.

"I got a scholarship since they heard u live with Haruhi. They said a guy named Tamaki said I should go here" ,she said wondering who Tamaki was. I heard Haruhi broke a vase and is joining the host club. I'm glad Cali is hear we had fun. Also we scream at people during gym it's fun watching Hikaru and Kaoru trip over their feet when I yell at them.

After gym we walk out and I show Cali around. I look at my watch and see I'm late for the club. "

Shit Cali follow me I have people you need to meet" ,I say dragging her along. We make there luckily on time. Tamaki swoops in and starts flirting with her but she rejects him.

"Who was that" ,she whispers.

"Tamaki Souh the dumbass that got you the scholarship" ,I say with amusement.

"Why is my daughter so mean to me", he said in his emo corner.

"Cause I'm not your daughter" ,I said bluntly. He cries and wails on about he'll convince me he's my father.

"Well Cali stay if you like but I must get to work " , I tell her walking to my station. I see Kye and Ash ,so I greet them and start hosting.

~after hosting~

"TAMAKI COME AMUSE MEEE LIKE A LOVING FATHER DOES FOR HIS DAUGHTER!" , I scream knowing tamaki would come after calling him my father.


"Hey we are not your puppets amuse yourself" ,Hikaru says.

"Kimberly come here right now and leave these strange men" , I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around and say,

"Hi daddy", while cringing.

If I were in Ouran Acedemy (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now