Well Shit

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~Kimberly's POV~

"WHY IS THE SCHOOL FUCKING PINK!" I exclaim getting a few looks from people.
We walk in and I'm still grouchy about it being pink. We make our way to class which is 1A and I see a few cute dudes and a pair of twins. Interesting.

"Good morning class we have a couple of new students. To add on they are honor students. Would you introduce yourselves", the teacher says.

"Hello I'm Haruhi Fujioka.", Haruhi introduces. She looks at me along with everyone else. Why are they -OH YEAH!

"I'm Kimberly Gilgar nice to meetcha " , I say trying to be funny. No one laughs. Everyone including Haruhi cocks an eyebrow.

I anime cry " No one likes my jokes," I say as I grab on to Haruhi " WHY OH CRUEL WORLD MY JOKES WHY ARTH THOU NOT FUNNY TO THY!" I exclaim and I only get three laughs. THREE and they're from Haruhi and some random twins going on about I act like there boss -wait . I run up to them and grab them by their collar.

"ARE YOU A DRUG DEALER WHOS YOUR BOSS! HARUHI!!! You said this place was fancy not that it was full of druggies!" I exclaim. Everyone is glaring at me except the twins rolling on the floor dying of laughter.

"What?" I ask confused. The twins sober up and said go to Music Room 3 after school.

~After School~

Haruhi is off somewhere looking for a place to study and I'm in the cafeteria looking for some steal able food. I see a couple of people talking and I run grab their food and dart off into the distance with security chasing me. I see a room I run in and close the door and knock into something. I hear a crash and it worries me. I slowly look to see the twin I saw in class along with a short guy with blonde that's my height ,a super tall dude that I reach his knees with black hair and eyes ,another dude with black hair,glasses ,and a smirk on his ,and last but not least a guy with blonde hair and violet eyes.

"What the fuck?" I say slowly.

"Hello fair princess", the tall blonde one says caressing my chin.

"RAPE!SOMEONE HELP RAPE!!!" I exclaim pushing the creepy guy back. He goes into a corner and the twins are laughing.

"Please tell me. Are you all in a gang bang or a reverse harem?" , they all look at me and cock an eyebrow looking for some definition. "Are you all gay", I say in a deadpan voice.

"Why is such a little girl saying dirty stuff", the emo blonde says.


"We are dumb you brat," one of the twins say.

"Just out of curiosity what are all of your guy's names and what is this club?" I ask ignoring the twin's comment.

The bipolar blonde smiles and says, "Well princess this is Mori-Senpai the strong and silent type ,Honey-Senpai the boy Lolita ,Hikaru and Kaoru are the mischevious type ,Kyoya the cool type, and me Tamaki Suoh the princely type. We make up the HOST CLUB!!!" .

"Again. What the fuck?" ,I say still wondering about the crash I heard earlier.

"Miss Gilgar I assure you we aren't homosexual also I suggest you work for the host club." , Kyoya says.

"Why should I fucking work for you guys. It's not like I owe you fuckin money," I say ghetto as hell.

"Oh but you do." ,he said amused. Huh?

"That loud crash you heard was an 8,000,000 yen vase" he said slightly smirking. Oh boy the things I would give to wipe that smirk right off his face. "what was that" Oh shit did I say that out loud "yes you did" ,he said in a annoyed tone. He look up from his note book and glares at me. I don't move an inch. I don't even flinch. Unlike everyone else there I've been glared at worse and gave worse glares than him. You know what I did I glared right back at him. He doesn't looked fazed but in his eyes I saw fear and I smirked.

"Fine I'll work for you", I say amused. I hear them rest of the host club murmuring about how my glare was scarier than Kyoya's.

" I do I have to do. It's not like I'm lazy and completely socially awkward. Oh wait I am." I say sarcasticly.

"You are not socially awkward~" "~you love attention" ,the twins say.

"You know it's really fucking annoying when you do that" I say with amusement. They just laugh. That reminds me of second grade. OH NO A FLASH BACK


A new kid walks into class. It's a slightly chunky girl named Clarissa.

"Hey shorty get out of my desk" ,she says.

"But this is my desk it even has my name on it" ,i say slightly confused. She takes a pen out and scribbles out my name and writes 'whore' on it.

"The now it has your name on it" ,she says with a smirk. I knew what the word meant and so did everyone else despite being in second grade. The class looks to see what she writes and they laugh.

~end of flashback~

Somehow I ended up on a couch with ex host club and other girls from my school hovering over me.

"What happened?" ,I ask confused.

"You passed and started crying saying that's not my name" ,Hikaru says concerned. Well shit.

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