Chapter one.

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I swear I never found love until I looked into your eyes.
Four rounds in leaving bruises in your thighs.
-Lil tjay-

11pm Friday.

Roman Reigns has been staring holes at this boomshell ever since she entered the club. Shorty was fire according to Roman. Every other female in this club had their eyes on him except this girl and it was kinda pissing him off.

Roman was used to girls falling to his feet but not this one. He hasn't seen this girl before not even in passing. He was sure he knew the two girls she was with in this club since this was his regular hanging spot.

When she looked his way, Roman called her to him with his finger. He was over this bitch acting like he was invisible and in turn Robyn gave him the middle finger.

"Fuck you nigga, " Robyn yelled over the loud music. She noticed this weird ass nigga watching her like a creep all night but she was way too drunk to be rational.

Robyn's Pov.

After Bonnie and Ciara convinced me to go out with them here I was drunk and dancing around this crowded place. I ain't gonna lie I'm enjoying myself . I was having a pretty good time. Dressed in this little blue dress Bonnie gave me. My father would lose his head if he saw me like this and Jeremy would drop me as his bethrone in a heart beat.

My only problem right now was this guy at the VIP section staring at me like a creep. I act like it doesn't bother me the rest of the night going about my business with my girls. "Girl so you going to ignore the fact that Greek god has been giving you eyes all night? " Bonnie ask me .

"Greek what? " I said.

"Him? "Bonnie said motioning to that creep.

"That ain't no god, that is a creep." I said.

"Yeah I loaded creep. Look at his chain and wrist watch plus his in the VIP section that is highly guarded." Ciara said eyeing this guy. "Forget about that materialistic shit he's cute as fuck. "

I made a mistake looking his way to find him still looking at me. We made eye contact and I could feel my heart shift three centimeters from its original place. I have never felt that feeling before. He then went to move his hand as if pointing at me than his index finger went back and forth between me and him.

'What? ' I thought.

Was he really calling me to come to him like that ? Do I look like a dog? How disrespectful. I looked behind me to see if he was doing that to someone else but no his eyes were on me. The hell ?

This nigga is mad disrespectful. Does he thinks I am a prostitude because of this dress. I heard of men picking out women from this type of places to sleep with them and paying them for that. "Fuck you nigga, " I yelled over the loud music.

He smiled and blow me a kiss.

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