chapter ten

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"I'm going to advice you to get her a twenty four hour nurse because it is dangerous leaving her unattended to for so long

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"I'm going to advice you to get her a twenty four hour nurse because it is dangerous leaving her unattended to for so long. She might hurt the baby or herself. Please make sure she doesn't lay on the hard floor on her stomach.  " Romans doctor adviced him and Roman signed realising that this would be harder than he thought.

It seems like he didn't believe it when they told him that Robyn's brain was serverly damaged that it made her function as a child. "Okay thank you. " Roman dismissed the doctor after a long conversation of do's and don'ts for Robyn.

He got to the room Robyn was in and she was on the floor like a baby. She barely recognised him. It wasn't a long time before she went in a laughing fit. The guilt he felt in his heart was hard to bare. It was his fault that she was like this. He kept pressuring her to choose, she did and that put her in this position. He wasn't there to protect her when push came to shove. He couldn't imagine the pain that she went through and is still going through.

"Don't.. baby don't lay on your stomach." He panicked turning her on her back.  The floor was cold so he wanted to get her off it and she screamed when he tried doing that. Kicking him and hitting him.

"NO NO NOO! " She yelled before curling into a ball and grabbing her head. Roman knew that she was having a headache just like the doctor had said so he moved away from her so that she won't freak out.
"Ah aahh aaahhh, " she said still holding her head and veins popping on her forehead and Roman couldn't bare it anymore. He took her into his arms and rocked her like a baby. "I'm sorry. I wish I can take take the pain away. Robyn I'm sorry. " he said before Robyn came down and relaxed on his arms.

She was so petite that she fitted perfectly in his arms. He laid in bed with her and she started tracing his jawline, looking straight into his eyes. She was a hot mess, with her curly hair in dissary. No make up on but Roman couldn't deny that she was beautiful. He was attracted to her. The electric between them, the chemistry and the pull was still there. Roman kissed her forehead and she giggled.

Roman ran his hand to her stomach. It was still flat but he was so used to doing that by now and it seemed to relax her. He did that until he felt her drifting to sleep before placing her hand on top of his. He admired her features as she slept. Their hearts beating as one and just like that he went to sleep.



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