chapter two

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'No one can understand the love I have for you. Not even you' Said Jeremy Wilson.

Robyn's Pov.

I rolled over to the side coming in contact with what seem like a hard brick wall. Instantly opening my eyes and the memories of last night hit me like a train wreck. Shit I went home with a stranger. I get out of bed looking to make my escape before this man wakes up.

Shit, he is on top of my dress. What the fuck am I gonna do? I steal his sweats from the floor which were big as hell and take my shoes and purse on my hands tippy toeing to the door.

Once out of his bedroom, I was amazed by how big this house is. I pray I don't get lost trying to get out. Moving down the stairs quietly, "I hope you don't mind that I'm here early eating your cereal uce, " I dropped my shoes and pursue startled.

"Ohh!  " A guy with ginger hair say looking at me. "Sorry I startled you. " he said helping me pick out the stuff that fell out my purse. When he was done I run out the house.
I got to the apartment I shared with Bonnie and Ciara ready to get in my bedroom and cry but I also wanted to take a long bath because I was sore down there. Like very sore. I don't know what got into me last night. I went out drinking, I wore such provocative clothes and conducted myself like a harlot.

"Girl I didn't know you ball like that. You left with that guy without telling us shit, " Bonnie said when I walked in the apartment .

"Girl every bitch at the club was calling you names, they was mad because you left with that man." Ciara yelled which caused my head to hurt. "Spill now," she said pulling me to the couch. I had no choice but to tell them everything. Reliving everything just made me want to puke. I am totally disgusted of myself.

"I'm stuck on the part where you said he was eating you out on his shoulders," Bonnie said

"My ears full girl. All those positions you are talking about plus he ate you out in one night. Jeez last night we could have switched places." Ciara said and I could die for that. They were busy rambling about last night and I was thinking about the future. How was I gonna face Jeremy after this? How is my family going to feel after they find out that I am now the devils first born child?

I slept with a stranger unprotected and by what Bonnie and Ciara say right now, this guy is used to doing this. What if he was just picking random girls around to infect them with HIV or an STD. Or worse I could be pregnant out of wedlock.

'Lord I'm going to hell,' I thought.

"Oh god," I said feeling like I can't breathe. What if Jeremy leaves me ?

"What? " both the girls  asked being concerned.

"What am I going to tell Jeremy? Or yet how am I going to face him?" I said with my hands covering my face crying.

"Robyn relax. You don't have to tell him nothing. The wedding is still far ahead. I know you worried about him finding out that you aren't a virgin anymore but you will have to fake it. Fake hurt, forge pain and use ketchup." Bonnie said.

"Use ketchup? " I asked confused.

"Duh! To make it seem real. People always bleed when they... " she stopped looking at me. "Did you bleed last night? " she asked which caused me to think. No I didn't . Wait? Did I even check to find out? 

"I was in such a hurry to see if I did." I said.

"You left before he woke up? " Ciara asked and I nodded. "Than how did you get this?" She asked motioning to the tracksuit I was wearing. After I told her she rolled her eyes.

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