chapter fifteen.

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Call me, I'm coming with 233s
I do it fluently, this shit ain't new to me.

I'm on the block with my shit off and all of my chains on.
Ain't shit you gon' do to me.
I hit the corner and shoot like 23.
Get to bustin', they thinkin' its two of me.
I grew up bad, the streets, influence me.
My mama couldn't get through to me.



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Rosey and Dante kissed in bed. Enjoying the feeling they were giving each other. "I'm glad that you decided to come to me so we can finish Valentines day together Rosey, " Dante said gazing into his lovers eyes, shifting her curls back. "Sneaking out of my aunts house was easy. I wouldn't be anywhere else." Rosey said. Dante kissed her until they were both startled by a cracking sound coming from downstairs. "What's that? " Rosey asked.

Dante jumped out of bed in panic. Putting his boxers and sweatpants on. "Stay here. " he said to Rosey before going downstairs to check what was happening out.

Rosey's Pov.

I waited for Dante to come back up but my mind was thinking I was caught and Roman was the one here. I got out of bed, getting dressed and hiding the lingerie that I wore for Dante.

Silence filled the house as I mentally prepared to face my brother .

(Sound of glass breaking )

I almost jumped out of my skin. "DANTE? " I called in fear.

"ROSEY RUN," I heard Dantes voice filled with fear. I knew he wasn't joking around. I cracked the door open and saw three masked men holding him down and I screamed when I saw blood covering his face.

One of them rushed up the stairs to get to me but I locked and bolted the door. I opened the window but what I was thinking was impossible because I was on the second floor. I can't jump but I can call Roman. I grabbed my phone with my hands shaking, calling Roman.

"Roman, I... " I was about to tell him what was happening only to hear that his phone was on voice mail.

I dialled his number again and got the same results, while the man kept forcing the door to open.

"What do you want? " I asked in fear.

The lights went off and I called Roman and it went to voicemail again.


Romans phone lit the dark room as the couple were romancing each other. The lingerie was on the floor in pieces and they were in missionary position . "Arg.. this pussy is so good." Roman groaned.

Robyns eyes were closed as she breath high. "Keep fucking me like that. " she said, biting her bottom lips. Roman placed her legs on his shoulders making her get loud. "Oh my god. " Robyn said opening her eyes to find him staring at her intensely. "I love you. " she said feeling shy.

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