chapter thirteen

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Saveline had exhausted all the strength she had trying to find her son. She went everywhere she could think of to no avail. This place she was in was her last hope.

She looked around the dark room as a woman sat opposite her on the tiny table. The room was dark and filled with candles. Saveline didn't believe in this but she was desperate. A lady she met at the morgue recommended this to her after she heard the story about her dead sons body being missing. She recommended this particular psychic cause rumours was she was the best in town. Lady Midnight was her name .

"Wash your hands on the pot, " Lady midnight instructed. Saveline did. "What brings you to my shrine? "

"I need help finding my son Jey. He was killed and his body hasn't been found. "Saveline replied.

"Show me your hands. " Lady midnight said as she looked into her exposed hands. Her eyes rolling back, showing only whites. "He is a twin ?"

"Yes ma'am." Saveline replied.

"He is the younger one? "

"Yes," Saveline replied.

Lady Midnight's eyes returned back to normal. Her connection cut off. "I sense blood on him ? He is a killer?"

"Yes, he has killed someone before. " Saveline replied, her eyes filling up with tears.

"I can't connect to him. He hasn't crossed over. " Lady Midnight said growing frustrated. She tried different tricks that helped her connect but no of them worked. She even asked for something that Jey owned to help her connect to him but nothing helped. "This has never happened before. You sure that this is his shirt ? " Lady midnight asked Saveline.

"This is his shirt or could it be Jimmys ?" Saveline said out loud confused herself. This was his baby shirt and he and Jimmy wore the same size then.

"The owner of this shirt is alive. It can't be his. Your son hasn't crossed over. Whether in the land of the dead or living, all that remains of him is that he is missing and that is because he is a stained human. He took somebody's life and that will be forever tainted on him. People like him don't have a particular scent, they carry the bodies they killed with them. " Lady Midnight explained .

"What is the meaning of that? " Saveline asked. It was hard hearing this.

"It has no meaning besides that fact that your son's soul cannot be located. I know you think his cousin did but he didn't. I'm a mother too, I understand your pain but this is not your battle. Let this be. " Lady Midnight said before averting her gaze to the door. "Time's up. NEXT. "

"HEY... I still have questions I need to ask you. " Saveline said.

"I told you everything you needed to know. Leave with grace ma'am. " Lady midnight said.


Saveline POV.

I can't believe I wasted my time with such bullshit. I can't believe I allowed to be scammed like this. She can't see the future or even speak to the dead she's just wanting people to believe that so she can continue to rob them of their hard earned money. That makes me mad.

I got to my house to find my husband and two kids reminding me that I just lost a son. We were incomplete. "Any luck finding him? " I asked

They shook their heads. Looking at my sons scared of disappointing me did something to my heart. Yes, I'm hurting but I need to be mom. I need to put it together. "I couldn't find him too. I went out searching for him. I went everywhere you can think of and couldn't find him. I know y'all did your best looking for him and I'm proud of y'all for it. " I hugged both my sons. "It was not just us looking but a bunch of our friends and Roman was too. " Solo said.

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