Chapter nine

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"ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS BRING HER PHONE TO ME SO I CAN TRACE THE BITCH SHE WAS MESSING WITH. " Edward yelled at his son. Both men were at the harbour after they found out about Robyn disappearing at the hospital. "JEREMY I TAUGHT YOU ALL YOUR LIFE NEVER TO USE YOUR HEART OR FEELING CAUSE YOU GON' FUCK UP AND LOOK WHAT YOU DID. SHE IS GONE AND YOU DON'T KNOW THE MAN THAT HAS HER. OUR REPUTATION IS ON THE LINE. " Jeremy had his head down as his father yelled at him. Circling him. He had to admit that he did fuck up. He let Robyn blind him for a long time. He wasn't thinking straight when he made all the decisions about killing her and he lost the ball.

"I know dad. I just lost it for a minute." Jeremy said.

"A minute is a lot of time Jeremy. A lot of time to turn someone's life upside down. " Edward said.

"I know. " Jeremy said.  "I'm going to find her, I promise you that. I'm going to finish what I started. " he added inhaling hard and balling his fists. "No one dances on my head and lives to tell a tale about it. Robyn and whoever she was messing with has it coming. Slow but extremely painful they will die. "

"You now talking like my son. Ray won't say anything, he is a bitch but his wife is emotional. She might tell. She knows too much and you know what has to be done. " Edward said glaring at his son.

" Is she dying or disappearing? " Jeremy asked.

"She's old and had popped two so she won't sell in Samoa or even in Nigeria. She die- " Jeremy interrupted him .

"Sorry for interrupting you dad. All you said about Chermain is true but have you seen her body ? She is smart and well experienced. She could sell. " Jeremy said knowing that he wanted to see Robyn suffering. Burying her mom wouldn't be enough punishment for her. He wanted unending days for her. For pain to eat on her until she dies. He wanted to suck life out of her slowly. 

"Whatever that brings money in is good. " Edward said.

Ray got to the harbour a few hours later to meet Edward. He just wanted to make sure that Edward knew he wasn't involved in whatever Robyn had going on. He felt like less of a man with how defenceless he was. It hurt him to not be able to protect his daughter. He made Robyn a sacrificial lamb. Memories of little Robyn running around a playground laughing hit him. How she looked at him, with love and admiration haunted him. "My only princess." He said lowly but she wasn't that anymore. She defined him, lied to him and betrayed her faith by cheating on her bethroned. If it came out that she was pregnant it would have embarrassed the family. She had everybody fooled of the person she is.

"Ray I hope you had nothing to do with her being missing? " was the first question Edward asked him.

"I had nothing to do with it and I have proof of that in my trunk. " Ray said, opening his trunk, revealing Bonnie who was hogtied.

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