chapter seven

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Now spin the benz.
ain't nobody on they block.
Spin again.
If aint nobody ass got shot.
Spin again.
Police got this bitch hot,
boy take it in
Then spin again. 

Today was Robyns graduation, her family surprised her with a big ceremony at home

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Today was Robyns graduation, her family surprised her with a big ceremony at home. Her whole family was there, Jeremy and his family was there, Bonnie and Ciara and all the members of the congregation were there to congratulate her. Robyn was nauseated the whole day which made it hard for her to enjoy herself.

She ran to the bathroom for the fifth time today. Jeremy worried about her followed her holding her hair back as she emptied her stomach. "Baby whats wrong? You sick? " Jeremy asked worried about her.

Robyn was feeling weak so she sat on the floor and Jeremy joined her. Pushing her hair back. "I'm feeling off today for some reason. Its probably the stress and the lack of sleep. I was also working out, eating veggies too." Robyn replied and Jeremy felt guilty for saying she must lose weight. "I'm sorry Robyn. I shouldn't have asked you to alter yourself. You are perfect the way you are. Te amo I can take you to hospital if you are in pain." Jeremy said.

"You don't have to apologise. I'm okay there is no need for that." Robyn said getting up and washing her mouth. Jeremy stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her. Leaving wet kisses on her neck. "In just two days, we are going to take this further than just kissing. "He whispered to her ear.

Robyn felt disgusted and awkward. She didn't know how to reciprocate his advances like she did with Romans. She didn't know how to hold him like she held Roman. Pushing out of his hold. "Lets go join everyone. " she said.

"Robyn you don't have to be scared of me or even getting close to me. The wedding night is just two nights away and you know we have to go all the way." Jeremy said.

"I know. " she said looking away from him.

"Good and I have been meaning to ask you this. Three weeks ago I went to your apartment, Ciara said you were out where were you? "

Robyn knew what he was talking about. He was talking about the day she went to the pool party at Romans and she ended up spending the night.  "Studying at Bonnie's house. She went to visit her parents at the country. It was peaceful and quiet there so I decided to stay." She lied out her teeth. Jeremy glared at her for a moment as if she wanted her to break. "You didn't think I should know where my fiance was? " he asked his eyes still on her. Robyn swallowed the bile in his neck. Suddenly she was afraid that she would be caught in a lie. "I wasn't thinking Jeremy. "She replied facing down. "Don't do it next time Robyn. Don't sleep out and not tell me. I showed up at 11pm at your place and you ain't there what am I supposed to think. My mind will simply go to the worst possible sinerio. " Jeremy said and Robyn knew what he meant by that cause of his jealousy and this time he had all the right to think she was doing something wrong. "I don't want you ever sleeping in another mans house. Bonnie's dad should ask permission from me if he wanted to keep you in his home. I don't want any man playing with me." He added and Robyn went to hold him in a hug. "I will tell you next time Jer. I promise that no one is playing with you. " Robyn said. Holding her real tight while his eyes glued at the side of her face. "Woo they better not." Jeremy said with finality.

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