chapter eleven

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Authors notes.
This book is explicit, just know that. Almost every chapter contains smut and violence. A lot happened in this chapter. New alliances, vacation/Baecation, but anyway read, vote and comment.
I love the comments so please comment.

3 months later.

The twins have made it clear that they into it with Roman. The streets knew and everyone had to chose who they were working with between the two. Jimmy and Jey started their own operation because they wanted nothing to do with their cousin.

"Sami you have to choose because this riding the fence thing you doing, I ain't about it. Its either us or Roman. " Jey said frustrated with Sami. Solo chose them as their brother. Ron, Dean and LA knights chose Roman. The judgment day chose the twins. Zilla wanted space to decide. Some of the clients jumped ship to them which was 70% of Romans clients . They were so determined to succeed on their own without Roman that it scared Sami. Their obsession with ending Roman scared Sami. He didn't want to be in the middle of a sword fight but Jey wasn't giving him any choice.

"If I chose than it is clear that you will be his opps. Roman still has hope that you will squash it. " Sami said

"We ain't squashing no beef. I will never forgive Roman. We don't need him. We can do this on our own. " Jimmy said and Sami nodded. They have been doing this on their own for the past three months. Business was booming. Clients were happy about the product but there was only one problem. They were Romans clients and that meant they were messing with Romans money.

"You know I chose you guys, always but what happens if he finds out we stealing his clients? " Sami asked.

"His clients? Roman didn't built this empire by himself. We were always side by side so its ours as well. We taking our share. " Jey said.

That was true and Sami knew it, Roman didn't get this far all by himself, they were his backbone. They were the guys behind the scene and Roman was takings all the credit. Maybe it was time for him to see how hard it will be without them. "True. Lets just drop it . Jimmy, how are things with Trin. I haven't seen her in a while. " Sami asked.

Jimmy got stressed thinking about the situation at home. He loved Trinity and didn't want to give up on their marriage by getting a divorce so they were working on it but he was making her pay for lying to him. He was totally mean to her and not to mention that he refused to touch her since he found out about everything. He was starving her sexually and fucking bitches like he did before ever knowing her. "We working things out. " he replied.

"Think you will ever forgive her ?" Sami asked.

"I have but every time I think of her and Roman having ... I just get mad all over again. " Jimmy replied with his hands balled into fists. "I love that girl and I ain't going to let her go but I'm still mad at her. I need to hurt her like she hurt me. " Jimmy added.


Baby, would you mind.
Touching me
Ever so slowly
You making me
Baby, would you mind
Undressing me
Making me feel sexy

Zilla and Bonnie switched positions in a bed in Paris, France, overlooking the Eiffel Tower. "Yes, baby right there. " Bonnie moaned as Zilla was on top of her in missionary.

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