Chapter 33 - Haunted

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Sapnap POV

"I am going to kill Dream. I am going to save my country. I am going to save myself."

I knew, right about then, that I had lost my mind. Completely, entirely lost it. I started to laugh until I saw the solemn expression on (Y/n)'s face. My disbelief turned to distress. "(Y/n)," I started. "You can't be serious, right? I mean, there's no way-"

"Sapnap," she interrupted, placing a hand on my shoulder to make me face her. "I have never meant anything more in my entire life."

"Did Wilbur put you up to this?"

"No. I know it's hard to believe," (Y/n) snarked, "But I do some things on my own. I came back of my own volition."

"But why?" I asked, panic creeping into my tone. "You were safe! Free! You escaped, (Y/n). Why would you come back?"

"To finish what I started."

"You started nothing," I spat. She looked up at me, hurt flashing across her face. "You have changed nothing. All you have done is run away. Why change that now?"

"Why are you being like this?"

"I asked you," I blurted. "In the alley, if there was anything worth staying for. But there wasn't. Not me, not Clay, not the people. Nothing."

I knew I was being cruel. But I was hurt and confused and scared and frustrated. I was getting married in a handful of hours without any say in the matter, and now I was being pulled into another elaborate scheme. I was tired. I was done. "I think," I said, my voice just barely above a whisper. "It would have been best for everyone if you had turned your back on us."

"How could you say that?" (Y/n) gasped. "I'm trying to save my country! My people!"

"Sometimes, (Y/n), there is nothing left to save."

"There is always something worth saving."

"And you're going to do it by, what? Murdering Clay?"


"He's your brother! And your general. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to help you if it ever came out that you were guilty," I tried to reason.

"So, what do you suggest then?" (Y/n) pressed, challenged, refused to relent. "Should I lock him up on the other side of the world in a top-secret bunker? Should I cast a magic curse to make him sleep for a hundred years?"

"Wait," I cut in, sitting up straighter, an idea forming. "Yes."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow. "Curse him? I was joking, Sap-"

"No, no, no, before that. A top-secret jail."

I saw the moment it dawned on (Y/n), clarity blooming in her irises. A small smile twitched across her lips.

"Pandora's Vault."


To the people of the Dream SMP,

We are sorry to announce that the royal wedding of Her Majesty and Colonel Armstrong has been postponed indefinitely due to urgent personal matters. We apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience and understanding.


Pandora's Vault was the infamous, inescapable prison for the worst of the Dream SMP's criminals. It was common knowledge that Clay dreamed of one day throwing Wilbur Soot into the deepest, darkest cell they had to offer there. Constructed from 60,000 tons of obsidian, it is a winding, secluded labyrinth of a jail, with several checkpoints, high-tech security, and the best guards in all of the SMP. In the most protected cell, behind five separate gates, a water tunnel survivable only by the use of potions, and a 30-foot-long wall of lava, was an empty, waiting bed.

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