Win or Tine

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Bright POV :

Everyone call him Tine  but my inner soul  tells  he is my win i mean my bestfriend win. He resembles so much of him even that sparkle blue many question running in my head.... When i see him.. tears rolled down.... Even he can't recognise me.... Type patted my shoulder and i give him all details about my frnd... Ask for him to get in formation about tine  &Dean' wife connection... Through that only I can confirm him as win. He asked me to wait for him to  outside of the dean room.
So many memories..... First time my wife Reya  introduced him as his elder brother.... But he is not her actual brother... Her mother's bestfriend son ... They adopted him after his parents dead... When i see him..something that closed to heart that say... We knows  each other longtime... Even win also talked to me casually... He always with me when i need someone.... His likes and dislikes are very similar to me... Slowly he become someone that closed to my heart even Rey said sometimes she  thought  that is it am your girlfriend or win is you boyfriend.... I don't why she have that kind of thoughts... Yes... Am so concern about  win because of what happened to his childhood without parents he grownup as beautiful soul.. yeah that's is the reason I give him special place... I think so...

When we announced our marriage he is the first person helped as to  arrange everything for our marriage...but.....Reya announced our pregnancy....then it's started.....suddenly win keep  distance from us especially me.... He often  fall sick and i asked him about that win got angry even Reya also ask me to give some times  from him..
Reya got admitted for her delivery then I need him most but he is not there completely gone... I searched all over Bangkok... Reya and her mother said he went to  states but I don't belive that.....

Slowly reya also forgot him ....but me... No chance..... I felt some part of me left......yes he left me..... I searched him arround 2 years but no information.... I got frustrated and become angry..... I told myself to never ever cross him again... My fate... Now I met him.... But this situation got me shocked and am very confident that he is my win.... I know him... No one know him better than me..... When my emotion in rollercoaster... type came and give me the  file that related to tine's personal information.he said tine was distance relative for Dean 'wife camila. I got suprised when he said tine also adopted son to his guardian..... When i see the guardian name in that file.... I dropped the file  ... My head heart hurt... Hurts to the core that I wanted to kill someone... Who did this  to my win....... Why Mrs.Zendaya...why... i searched him all over 2 years..... You hide him from me... Why.... Tears rollsdown from eyes.......

The guardian name was Mrs.zendaya..... he got admitted after my daughter born... Same date..... I don't know.... Am so numb to think..... I Rush to win and hugged him tightly and said " my win....from now on am there for you...".

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