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Bright : Aunty where is my another baby ?

Zen : bright .......(crying)

Bright : I had enough patience....plz tell me  where is my baby.....

Zen: bright ...plz .....what I want say....

Bright : AUNTY............ i already missed my baby more than 6 years  ... Is that baby boy or girl? Is she or he know am his daddy? Plz...i went crazy..... I will forgive you....plz.....give me my baby.....

Zen : bright....plz ...listen...

Bright : I don't want to listen any explanation from you ..... Plz... Give me my baby .... Win already came..... Plz give our baby.... We can

Zen : stop....bright...stop......

That baby dead................he dead.......



Don't .....

I don't want remember that .....


He dead bright..... That cute baby boy.....dead.....


This story will end soon guys....... I will update next episode tomorrow....

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