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Win POV:
Actually am so damn busy with my work even though my work done at 7 pm but I got myself busy with 24/7 liberary and go to home by 11 or 12. No one noticed my behavior..... My sis always looking for in the past years but now she busy with her special friend... I know everyone want love life right.....i giving space to them ... I hope my sis confess her love to bright.... in the past weeks bright put an so much effort with me to become friends but I don't want it....

One day bright and Reya went to shopping to my surprise bright brought me bunny locket....

But what i done

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But what i done... I through back to him and said am i look like child to you... Then leave the place.... I heard him  said to Reya that he is not look like nice as you say..... Reya didnt say anything and dragged him to garden for watch full moon. After that reya came to my room and fight with me. She said you upset my bright .... then she talking so many things but my mind only on the word my bright.... So she confessed....
I don't have any courage to ask and   i said her that  am so tired ...please leave my room.... She got shocked of my tone and leave.

Every year Zen mom  go to her native place in Vietnam. It is her mother 's birth place... This time I got so many projects so i can't go to Vietnam... bright also joined new hospital so for to make good impression he is not welling to take leave. At the end mom and Reya go to there... Reya not happy to leave bright alone so she asked me to take care of him..

Bright and win :

So that now, bright and win go to super market for brought groceries for nite dinner...

Bright : always prepare homemade food ?

Win : yeah... Am health conscious...

Bright : good... I don't know cooking....

Win : hmm

Then the conversation end and they went home with full of four bags. Win made dinner for spaghetti.

Bright : thanks buddy.. it is so tasty....who is  going to marry you...she is very lucky.....

Win : are you always talking likes this..

Bright : i noisy to you...... Actually I got an accident and i forgot all my childhood memories.... When i alone it is make me avoid this i always want to someone to talk....

Win : oh... Sorry.....

Bright : it is ok... But reya said you are also talkative type but...... hate me right....

Win : not like that...

Bright : ok ok.... whatever...

When they done ... Bright offer himself to  wash the plates... So win went to  living room to watch tv... While watching tv win heard some loud noise and rush to kitchen.... When he saw bright....

Win : so.... U also don't know how to wash...

Bright : (with teary eyes).... That liquid....sob.......plate...went.....floor....

Win : ok ok.... OMG look at your finger it's bleeding wait....( After sometimes)

Show me your finger.....

Win clean the blood and put an ointment and wrap it up to bandage.

Win : reya saw this...she will kill me...

Bright: so you don't care...

Win : (breath hitched) i do... But Reya is  your girlfriend right ?

Bright : what who says.....

Win : ( eyes lit up) she didn't confess... Sorry to spell the beans...

Bright : (become silent for a minute and smiled)  ..... so i have to confess

Win : ( heart stopped for this response ... ) Ye.sss

Bright :  win... I love......(win heart doing racing....but boom) her almost like 2 years .... I want to propose her ......but am waited for her to graduate...after  I am anxious..... To get i want to help from you...but you don't speake to me...more  like avoid me....

Win : ho sorry.... So what's the plan...

Bright rush to his room and come up with a box and show to win..

Bright : actually I want to marry her as soon as possible so that I have my own family....

Win : you both are young to marrige I mean ... You guys on 20's..... Why  hurry...

Bright : i liked childern so much especially girl babies.... I want to do... I want live with her as much know...if I got early marriage then so many years to live with my Reya....

Win : ok i can help you.... Next week you know right...

Bright : i know it's  Reya 's birthday...

Win : good time to propose...

Bright : yeah..but..

Win : don't worry....i will help you...

Bright : so now we are friends ?

Win : (smiled ) of course..... So give me that locket

Bright : someone said it is childish thing...

Win : give to me....

Bright hugged win and put that locket in win 's neck.... Win body become numb ..he become numb.... And said

So what's the plan

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So what's the plan....

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