Memories brings back you

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This story will have past and present events so I mention years don't get confused my lovely readers

June 2023 :

"Mm, I didn't wanna leave you
I didn't wanna lie
Started to cry, but then remembered I

I can buy myself flowers" bright singing that lyrics and making dinner  for him and his cupcake. So that he didn't hear nock on the door.

After so many nocks , bright got irritated and he turned of his Alexa and went open the door.

After so many nocks , bright got irritated and he turned of his Alexa and went open the door

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Bright open the door all eyes on him with ahhh look.
(I know as an author bright is too 🥵🥵🥵 )

There are so many neighbours surrounded and bright looking at sharply to his cupcake his daughter Aranya.

There are so many neighbours surrounded and bright looking at sharply to his cupcake his daughter Aranya

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Aranya bright's child

First woman said " see, Mr.bright look at my son.... Your devil girl slapped my precious son cheeks ....oooooh god what to do... This how you raise your child "

Another women said " i never see this much arrogant girl in my life.. she is just 6 but how come this my bad behaviour...

Another women said " Hey don't scold her she is growing without her mother.. without mother all child will trun evil

Another women " I know thank God her mother dead or else she will see this kind of behaviour and die soon...

While bright silent eye become violent when they mention about mother of the child and he asked his cupcake to come near.

Without fear in her blue eyes  Aranya come near to bright and said " Dad, he said we are not good people, that's why God taken my mother , angry......slapped him ".

Bright listening everything and trun to look at all with cold green eyes . Everyone become scared but that's boy mom got angry and tried  to harm Aranya.

Bright speaks with narcissistic, so it's your son's fault speak this kind of words ... I disappointed with my daughter because she should punch his face also...

Then he dragged his cupcake in inside the house and slam the door infront of all .

Bright entre the dinning hall  with angry look and he placed noodles and soup to his cupcake (his daughter) and leave to living room without words.
Aranya got upset and take her Leo toy  in her hand and said " so, Leo my daddy got angry to the core that he didn't feed me with his hands ,,,, what should I do.... No one there for me except you leoo and fake cried too....

Bright got soften but he didn't show in his face and look at tv.

Aranya got an idea and suddenly cried loudly. Bright got scared and run to her and check all face of her and check soup is too much hot.

Aranya laughed and hugged her dad tightly and said" sorry dad..."

Bright smiled and hugged his cupcake and think how come 6 year child this much nauty to get her dad back.

He kissed his cupcake forehead and said " don't do this again...if it is happened again  I swear I will never speak to you ...okey ".

Aranya smiled like bunny and said "love u daddy,  i won't do this again".

Bright tickles her daughter and both eaten their dinner playfully and go too sleep.

When bright got his room and he looked at the portrait and smiled said " Rey ....look at our cupcake she always resembles our bestie behaviours i don't know how come she get this  I know you also happy right...good night sweetheart and I missed u badly... Tears drop down from his eyes and drown to sleep.

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