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Bright sobbed like an hour.....type try to console him...

Bright : he is my friend type.... Almost 6 years....Am search him....

Type : calm down......plz

Bright : i thought he forgot me.....i got angry because he left me without saying anything....... I didn't expect him to meet like this.....

Type : it's ok..... Its not your fault....

Bright : you know what that gurdian name was my mother-in-law...... She the person adopted him.... Why she is doing this...... She raised him like her son almost 18 yrs....but I don't believe this...

Type : you should calm down and try to talk with your in-law?(Bright controlled his tears and try to calm down )

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Type : you should calm down and try to talk with your in-law?
(Bright controlled his tears and try to calm down )

Bright : okey...am going to talk them? Plz take care win... Okey.... I will visit him tomorrow.... Bye...

Bright drove his car like maniac and went to Budha Temple.... Because his in-laws were giving social services to remote villages through Budha temples trusty...... When bright ask about that they said to that they want peace in their life... But now he got an answer....

When Zendaya saw bright and her eyes light up and try to hug him....bright stopped her in mid way....

Bright : is there any thing you want talk about it mom ?

Zendaya: bright what happen why are u talking like this

Bright : nothing.... Am just saw a patient...his name is Tine....

Zendaya become nervous and she always pray for to not this happen.... But now she have to face it....

Zen : bright....

Bri: (with loud voice) why mom why..... Why... What happen to our win... Why he is in the hospital.... With another name...... Why did u hide him from us.... My poor wife died without knowing her loving brother.......wearbor...ed

Zen : she knows....

Bright become statue for minutes.... She knows..... My wife knows.... His head spind.... He breathe become fast... He dropped himself in the floor......with loud cry.....

Zen : bright baby plz calm down

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Zen : bright baby plz calm down.....am sorry..... Mommy sorry plz........... It's all my fault.... Yes.... My fault.... Plz

After sometimes....

Bri : i trusted you guys.... I thought you loved win like your own son...but what's is this.....i don't understand.... Even Reya didnt said anything.... I try to consul her and medication.... All my efforts were useless... She left... I thought separated from win is the reason leaded her to prolong depression....... Mom....plz...tell me.... What happened to him......

Zendaya went to inside her condo and came with dairy in her hand....she gives to that dairy to bright and said....plz ... Read this.. i don't have any courage to explain to u....i know you will hate me when you completed this... But baby...  my daughter truly love you.....

She cried and left.....bright with so much emotions try to open the dairy book but stopped and went to his car because he got call from his daughter.. then only he realise the time and went his home with heavy heart....

Aranya become worried about her dad because her dad eyes are swallow.... Man asked about his condition but he didn't reply....

Aranya : daddy .... Wt happen...are u cried....

Bright : cupcake....dada have headache... Shall we talk tomorrow.... Plz go to sleep... Dada will explain to u later....

Aranya is mischievous girl but she always obey her dad...... So she went inside and try to sleep..

Man : now tell me ? What happen?

Bright: you know what ? Today I meet my best buddy....

Man : OMG... You mean Win....

Bright nodded his head and explain everything to him and again cried.....Man consoled him....when Brighy calm down and man asked about the dairy....bright said he is not ready to read it... But man insist him to read .....after that man leaves...

Bright looking at the dairy blankly..... He try to read but his heart raced........

When he open the dairy...... First page....... Bright got shocked that this dairy belongs to............

Dear brighty,

When you read this dairy .... Maybe u know win's condition......
Loves makes life beautiful.... But my unconditional love for u makes me monstor to do this to win my beloved brother....i know I don't have any rights to called him as my brother.... But I regret myself.....plz...bright when you complete this dairy don't hate me.... Because i loved you... Always love you.....

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