I know Everything

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Win POV:

Now days am get sick so easily.... Everyday headache and vomiting....thanks to reya she gave me some pils that helps me lot.... Today am going to visit my childhood friends and they arrange some party.when i ready to go reya asked me to not drink alcohol and it  is so werid.... But she said it is because of sickness and am satisfied with that answer...

the party was going so well and i enjoyed lot... But suddenly my mood change when i saw bright there... He smiled to me and come to our table.... I introduced my friends to him and he said his clients are waiting... When ready to leave he give me friendly hug  but his scent makes me want to puke i tried to control ... Once bright left i run in to the toilet... One of the friend very concern bout me because he is an doctor.... When i take the medicine he can't take his eyes of me...

After the party i walk to parking lot my doctor friend asked some weird question..

Doc frnd : win .... Are u try to get pregnant? Are you special child ?

Win : what?

Doc frnd : then  why are u taking pregnancy pills ?

Win : i didn't understand

Doc frnd : see this is folic acid and this is vomiting control pill.....these where highly recommended by doc when someone try to pregnant.... I think you already pregnant ?

Win: .....

Doc frnd : ok win it's is your life i didn't ask anything but you want any help please feel free contact me bye....save drive....

Win : bye.....

I laughed so lot and went to home...when i entre......i heard some noise more like someone crying but when i entre everything went normal....

I try to entre my room but i got dizzy and i faint....

Next thing am in the family doctor house and some IV injections are going ..... But i feel weird sensation in my stomach more like butterfly in my stomach....

When am in my whole world reya and Zen mom came.... When i try speak but to my surprise zen mom slapped my face....

Zen : are u slut ? Who is the father win ?

Reya : i can't belive you win ?

Zen mom cried and said...

Zen : i know you will get pregnant but i kept for my self....it is my fault....

Reya : win....

Win : ( cried loud) what happen to me? Something moved in my stomach?

Reya: win....you are pregnant....you are special male who will carry baby....

Zen : what should I dooo....this child will ruin my wins life.....(cried )

Reya: mom...plz...

Win : i don't know mom.....sorry.....am not slut........am sorry.....

Reya: who's is the responsible win?

Win become silent and said i don't know....

Zen : what ? You don't know ?

Reya : plz mom he is pregnant...don't pressure him....

Then doctor and nurse came and took win for some scan and test .....

After the long day going only crying.....

End of the day...

Reya : i will take responsibility?

Zen : what ?

Reya: win... Bright will got to abrod for 6 months...so i will tell him that am pregnant...
(Win was silently looking at Reya)

Zen : what are you talking ?

Reya: so when he return i will tell him that this our baby....so no one get doubt....but win you have hide yourself.... Please make distance from bright .... So he can't get hint....

( Win silent)

win this is the best choice ....you life will not ruine..... No problem.... Your baby also my baby ......

( Win silent)

Suddenly doctor came and said....

Doc : so congrats win! It is twins! You are now 3 months pregnant....

Win silent.....

When doctor left ......

Reya and zen become happy....but win spoke.....

Win : i will take responsibility for one baby ....

Reya and zen become shocked..they both went angry...

Reya: are you mad ? singel papa? No win....i will take them.... Don't forget you slept with some stranger.....you don't even know the father.....( Slightly smirked)

Win : i know......i know the father name of my twins...

Reya : don't joke arround.


Screem so loudly......that reya and zend got shocked...because win never toned his voice like this.....

He know everything......win know everything......



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