When it hurts

239 14 3

Present 2023:

Bright POV:

I am not ready to read further and i slept more like  closed my eyes because i need some energy to face win again...right... Ticking time and waiting for morning.... I put up smile on my face  and do my daily morning routine because i don't want to affect  my cupcake with  my mental breakdown.

With heavy heart i parked my car in the hospital and take deep breath for 20 minutes and here am standing for outside of the Dean office to inform that i willing to take care of win....even i submit paper to take win with me to home.

My surprise Dean himself suggested me to take him with me. I walked  more like run to reached the win room. When i entre a small smile plastered in my face that win drawn  the sun flower garden... Win always good at drawing.... His dream also simple... He always said that he want to become an drawing teacher for kinder garden... He loves to teach them how to draw flowers... Thinking of that tears roll down from eyes....

I called him win..... To my surprise he smiled and jumping like a bunny one second i thought he comeback and then....

He told me that am the only on called him as  win and he complained how others call him tine

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He told me that am the only on called him as  win and he complained how others call him tine.... I asked how you sure about  your name win and he said someone in his mind called him win.. and he liked that name... When i asked about that person... All my emotion are overwhelming i cired...tears are the word that heart cant express....he told me that person name was bright.... But he is not recognise me..... What  should I express....sad  or happy... Even he know my name in this kind of situation so I would express my happiness or he is not recognise me so i should express sadness.....

I try to controlled my tear and asked about that bright person...but he didn't say further and start to draw.... 

I asked him to come with me so that I can show him to his bright but he refused that he didn't want to go anywhere..... I begging like him over  2 hrs and he didn't care.. he taked his medicine and went to sleep... Am in the  corridor and thinking how to take him to the house....

One of the nurse  said he love children so  if you had child in your home.. try on......am really thanked that sister and went to home...

I totally forgot that I should discuss this matter with my Aranya... I hope she accept.....

When i said to her that I found win uncle but he is sick so shall we take care him...she got super excited and nodded her  head several times... She continuously asking about win and finally slept.

That weekend, again i go to the hospital along with my cupcake....

When we entre the win room, Aranya called him as 'uncle win'...... And run to behind him and hugged....

I am so scared that how win will react but he hugged her back and patted her head.... When he looked at her face...he smiled and said my child....

I got confused but I thought maybe he thinking every child like his own ....am right....

Finally win accepted to come with me to my house

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Finally win accepted to come with me to my house..... Though out travel win talking only to Aranya....even his seated Aranya in his lap and his grip was strong that any moment Aranya will disappear from him.... I smiled how cute he is.....

When we entre the house , Aranya dragged win to my wife portrait.....while win saw that then next second he strated to shivering &blabbering something and pass out ... I catched him right time and placed him in my guest room.... Aranya become shocked and blame her self for win condition and cried cried....i try to console her but she hugged win and cring whole...and slept....

After while, looking at win face ....tears rollsdown my eyes like....how come win become sacred  to Reya.... I dam sure reya loves win....but what my wife done to win that he become like this....... It is really HURTS....... I want to rip my heart.....

But some how my heart went to peace that my bunny and my cupcake sleep peacefully with their embraced

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But some how my heart went to peace that my bunny and my cupcake sleep peacefully with their embraced.

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